— tagged with “animals”

The Romero brothers took my favorite pig because I couldn’t pay them off my debt. They were about to grill and eat the poor animal. But thanks to the Virgin of San Juan they decided to drink first. They got so drank and didn’t notice two my grandsons taking the pig. They decided they had eaten the pig. I thank the Virgin of San Juan because my piggy came back home.

Tobias Corrales

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Eufimio Gonzalez thanks his guardian angel for protecting him while he was riding an angry bull. He found himself in danger, prayed to the angel and only got his testicles hurt. But they’re all good now.

Cholula, 1914

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The Martinez sisters went to the river for laundry. The water was warm so they decided to bath themselves also. Suddenly they found themselves surrounded by crocodiles. Thy came out of blue but thanks to the protection of the Virgin of Zapopan the sisters were able to get out of the water before being attacked and eaten by those giant creatures. They thank the Virgin.

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I wanted to impress my neighbor whom I was attracted to. I climbed up a tree to bring her kitten down totally forgetting that I have a fear of heights. I thank Saint Pancras for the firefighters arrived to save me because I was so scared I couldn’t move. The cat meanwhile had come down giving me a great embarrassment. I promise not to pretend to be brave anymore to avoid being a ridicule.

Benito Segura
Morelia, Michoacan

The day of my wedding, the dogs didn’t recognize me because of the wedding dress and start bitting it. I was afraid they were going to tear the dress and prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan. Thanks to her my grandmother scared the dogs away, and they left me in peace. I thank for they didn’t tear my dress and my wedding was very beautiful.

When they closed the school where my wife used to work as a teacher for many years, she got upset. Then she acquired the habit of teaching our pets. I was worried and prayed Saint Francis so he would help her. The saint worked a miracle, and my wife was given a teacher job in another school. And now she doesn’t have this rare habit of teaching animals which annoyed them greatly.

My sisters Carlota and Clara came back to our home town after having lived abroad. They had acquired some strange habits over there, but the worst part was their pets. I couldn’t understand why did they like them so much. But I felt so embarrassed and ashamed walking the pets out with them. I thank Saint Francis because the people got used to them and do not laugh at us anymore.

The Day of the Dead, some skeletons came out their graves, got drunk and went to my farm which is near the cemetery. They made a real mess and scared the animals—my poor chicken and pigs. I prayed the Virgin of Guadalupe for protection, and she made a miracle. The rooster sang much earlier before the dawn, and the skeletons ran to their graves leaving us in peace.

The Castillo sisters let my daughter Lupita to pick up some peaches in their garden, so we could make some marmalade. Bit their enormous dog decided she was a thief and jumped on her. Thanks to the Holy Child of Atocha it only bit and tore her skirt, but the girl wasn’t hurt. We thank for that.

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When my husband went to work at the north, I felt very lonely. So the evenings, I started to play guitar and sing outside. Little by little my music attracted all the cats from our neighborhood. They were captivated by my music. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for this big company I have now.

I thank the Virgin of San Juan for I have found a partner who also adores cats. Because I can’t live without them.

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We lived in a desolated place outside of the city, but the price was cheap. I felt fear when I had to walk to our house after work. One day a stray dog followed me. I tried to chase it away but when the dow look at me with its sad eyes, I let it go along. It accompanied me to the house and stayed with us. We bathed it and I even bought it a red color. Now the dog meets me every day at the bus stop when I get home from work and goes with me to the house. It does the same with my sister. We thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for this warm company.

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Virgin, thank you for the favor.

Maria Reyes

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