— tagged with “children”

The Calderon sisters saw a ghost wearing a wedding dress. The ghost was crying in the darkness. The girls got so scared, they became ill. Their mother, doña Rosa, thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for hearing their prayers. Now the girls got better, although they refuse to go outside at night.

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I was taking bath in the river with my son. The baby boy slipped out of my hands and was taken by the current. I desperately swam after him. I was able to catch his ankle but then we both fell down a waterfall. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for the miracle that we didn’t get hurt.

I didn’t want a dog in our house, but my husband persuaded me to take one. I thank Saint Quiteria for helping me to get over my fear of dogs. Our dog is a very intelligent, and it’s a very good babysitter. It has a sixth sense to prevent our kids to go someplace without permission <. . .> I’ve become very fond of this dog.

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I thank the Virgin because I can do what I like the most—make wooden toys. I love to see how happy are the children when they play with my toys.

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A giant monstrous spider wove his web in the cupboard. When I found it I was paralyzed with fright, because I’am afraid of all the spiders, even the small garden spiders. But my son reacted very quickly and sprayed an insecticide on the animal. He had to use the whole can. I thank Saint Francis because the monster didn’t attack my son and because my son is a very brave boy and was able to kill the spider.

Since I got internet at home for my work my wife has been spending all her time chatting with her friends and playing the computer. She wouldn’t do her household chores and neglected our baby. I thank Saint Raymond Nonnatus for delivering her from this internet obsession. And now she’s an excellent mother and a great wife.

Filiberto Pantoja — Chihuahua

The girl Demetria Tiomitzi thanks Saint Anthony the Great because her cats got used to be bathed, back then they would scratch her while she did it.

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My mother and my grandmother taught my Carlitos to embroider. He created exquisite embroideries and was very enthusiastic about it. I was distressed and asked the Virgin of Zapopan to make so that my boy wouldn’t enjoy embroidery so much because if his father, who is a really macho, had found out that his son loved doing the women’s work he would’ve been furious. Thanks to the Virgin my son’s cousin taught him to ride a bicycle. Carlitos enjoyed it so much, he forgot about the embroideries.

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I thank Saint Clare because I met a fellow countryman with a sufficiently pretty and big truck so I can put on my sister, my wife, my eight children and even my goat during the parade in my town Villa Escalante.

Juan Ramos left his skate in the middle of the living room and caused a serious accident to his mother. He thanks the Lord of the Wonders because she recovered. He promises to be a well-organized boy.

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My son Arturo was a restless child. And, of course, at the chemistry class, he enjoyed doing experiments that end with explosions. I was afraid he’d be expelled from the school but the teacher told me I have nothing to worry about and that Arturo is the only one who shows a lively interest in chemistry, unlike his classmates. I thank the Virgin of San Juan.

Juanito and Alicia Martinez thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because their cat Rufo who was lost a month ago, has suddenly come back home — a little bit thinner and disheveled, but lively and affectionate as always.

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Granddaughter of doña Cleotilde Ramos is a very restless child. And at her birthday she spilt on herself the boiled stew that was on the stove. Her grandmother thanks the Virgin because her granddaughter Marianita didn’t burn herself very badly and they were able to celebrate her birthday.