— tagged with “husbands and wives”

I thank Saint Barbara for giving me the courage to leave my husband. He treated me and our kids badly, so I came back to my home town where I will live happily with my family and my old friends.

One night my husband Filemon began snoring, and he snored ever since. I couldn’t sleep because of his noisy concert, and I even started thinking about the divorce. But then I prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan, who saved my marriage because suddenly Filemon stopped snoring.

I thank the Virgin because I married a wealthy man and could quit my tiresome job. Now I can dedicate all my time to my cats and my garden and wait for the birth of my first baby without worrying.

My husband Tomas smoked marijuana, didn’t work and didn’t pay me any attention. So I prayed to Saint Barbara and she gave me enough courage to give him an ultimatum. It worked—now he’s working.

May 15, 1968

My wife painted our bedroom in insanely red color. She also decorated it with red things. All because she had read in a magazine that red is the color of the passion. I thank the Virgin of San Juan that she finally came to her senses because this horrible color caused her the headache and irritated her eyes. So she painted all white again.

July 30, 1958, the devil got inside my body, and I was going to kill my husband with the kitchen knife. But the Virgin of Zapopan held my arm from doing such a thing. I give thanks.

My husband used to have dreams about voluptuous and seductive women. He hugged, kissed and spoke in the dream and had a stupid smile on his face. It drove me nuts. The horrible part was that after that he woke up in a very good mood. Then the Virgin gave me an idea to take a photo of me in the bed. I looked very seriously in that photo, so he would know that I was watching him. It helped. My husband doesn’t hug or kiss in his sleep anymore <…>

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We committed a heavy sin, trying to bewitch the Fulgencia’s husband. We danced ecstatically and did all exactly how doña Panful had taught us to keep him in love. We were dancing around the fire, when the charcoal began to meow devilishly and the horrible creature appeared to us. We started to pray the Virgin of Guadalupe at once, asking for forgiveness.

Francisca, Fulgencia and Petronila Suarez

— You, infidel dog! And with my best friend!
— It’s not what it seems to you…

Señorita Noemi Gonzalez thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe because on December 3, 2013, she read the messages in her husband’s phone and found out that he was having an affair with her best friend. Since then she sent him to hell and lives very happily without him. Amen.

I thank the Virgin of Juquila for the viagra, so my painful illness went away and I could satisfy my wife in bed. Since no medicine had helped me before, I entrusted myself to you and tried the viagra. We’re very happy now, and our marriage is saved.

Roberto — Coyocan, Mexico City
December 5, 1999

Martina Gonzales thanks Saint Antony because after so many prayers and candles in the church her husband began to satisfy her again.

Tomatian, Jalisco
March 8, 1958

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When my husband Juan Jose died, I was sad and couldn’t find any consolation. We loved each other so much, and I couldn’t stand the thought of not seeing him again. I asked the Virgin to let me see him. And she gave me that. So now every Day of the Dead, I put the altar and bring the offerings, and then my husband appears for a few seconds. So I can keep his image in my memory and find strength to live on without him.

I married my beloved Chayito without knowing that she snores like a lion. Although I loved her, my marriage became a nightmare because I couldn’t sleep. I prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan so she’d help me to resolve my dilemma. And the Virgin miraculously made so my Chayito stopped snoring. I thank for that.