Señor Gumaro doesn’t want to grow up. Help me, Virgin.
1975, Rosita
— tagged with “mental case”
Señor Gumaro doesn’t want to grow up. Help me, Virgin.
1975, Rosita
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
In March 2016 James Eddy’s financial woes were mounting. He thought if he could work harder he could improve sales so he began to self medicate. After several sleepless months James convinced himself and then tried to convince his wife that he was under surveillance and a target of massive government investigation. Next year James was hospitalized and held in the psychiatric unit for evaluation. The nurse ordered James to fill a Dixie cup for tests and his discharge was contingent upon compliance but James was ashamed and terrified of his wife’s reaction if she learned the truth so he refused. A Mexican standoff ensued and on the eighth day the doctor blinked and nurse Ratchet cut James loose. It wasn’t long before his behavior became even more outrageous. Two officers came to his house to serve a stay away order with fifteen minutes to pack his bags and leave. The next several months he slept in his car and daily hotels when he could afford it. As time dragged on, and his situation grew more dire, he realized how badly he fucked up. He was wrong about many things. His good looks, charm and vivacious personality had not caught the attention of Angelina Jolie and despite his childhood dogs being named ‘William’ and ‘Harry’ he was not a member of the royal family. He missed his ex-wife and children so much he ached in his heart. James decided it was time to pick up the pieces of his life and turn over a new leaf so the new James told the old James to ‘fuck off.’ On December 31, 2019 he called out to God, his family and his friends and asked for their forgiveness. He got sober and in commemoration of this great miracle this retablo was offered.
San Francisco, California, February 27, 2020
Retablo by James H. Eddy
On my tenth pregnancy, when I brought Luisita to the world, I went mad. One day I left the house and started wandering. I walked at the streets, they called me the Cat Lady, and I lived on the benches in the Alameda park. But one day Ruperto found me, and when I saw my baby I recovered. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe.
Rosario Peña
Retablo by Medora García
I was feeling little bit sick and went to bed early. Suddenly I saw all the cats from the neighborhood flying around me. My cats were flying as well, and they looked beautiful with wings. Nevertheless, I had a strange feeling about it. I supposed cats didn’t fly, and I became afraid I was going mad. I prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan, and she heard my prayers. Everything returned to normal—my cats landed on the floor and the other ones disappeared. I thank for this.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
Young man B. L. used to get excited by touching the feet of the lady clients of the shoe shop where he worked. His bosses noticed it and fired him. He thanks Saint James with the present retablo because he has overcome this obsession with professional help.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Lalo The Crazy thanks the Virgin because I have finally recovered my mental health.
Retablo by David Mecalco
My son Gregorio was slightly crazy. He made himself wings from chicken feathers and jumped off the highest tree. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for the miracle that he was able to flap his wings a little bit—enough to land without killing himself. Although he fell on a cactus and got hurt by the spines, he didn’t break his bones for which I infinitely thank.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
I thank for I didn’t go crazy when my piglet asked me to feed him chicken and eggs.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
1952, I left my work. When I was walking down an alley in San Antonio neighborhood in Puebla I was attacked by a man who seemed to be crazy. I implored the Virgin of San Juan, and then the wrestler El Santo The Silver mask appeared. He saved me, and I give infinite thanks for that.
Altagracia Hernandez
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Saint Jude Thaddeus, thank you for all your favors. It seemed I was loosing my mind when I got in the river completely naked. One and half year before, my boyfriend Pepe had drowned at the very same place. A lady saw me there and reported to the police. They came looking for me, and then I spent three days at a police station until my mother and my sister came after me. They payed the fine, and then I was taken from there with the psychologist. Few months later, I was doing better mentally, since I had been at the edge of going crazy.
Angela Moreno
Cuernavaca, Morelos, 1965
Retablo by Viridiana Canseco Hernández
I thank the Virgin of San Juan for not getting mad when I saw an UFO and for not losing my family.
Cipriano Molina Cruz
Rancho Varillas, Irapuato
February 11, 1980
Retablo by Unknown artist #6
A beautiful colibri flew over to me and told me very pleasant things. I thought I was losing my mind, but no, Holy Virgin.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for miraculously bringing my son back to me. He was lost for two days and two nights after we’d arrived to the town. He slipped out of my hand and I knew nothing about him until this very moment. Moreover, he is mentally challenged also. But I entrusted myself to the Holy Virgin and found him. Thank you, Virgin.
October 21, 1975
Retablo by Daniel Vilchis