— tagged with “violence”

Forgive me, God, for lacking respect for my father. When I came home on drugs, I tried to beat him, but realized what I was doing and stopped myself. I understood my mistake and I swear to not take drugs anymore. I follow his advice, and he forgot me and helped me to get out of this terrible sin.

Paco, Barrio Norte, 10 May 2000

Elena M. and Juana R. were arguing in public baths over a man, and they ended up grabbing each other by the topknots. They bring this retablo to Saint Pancras thanking him for they didn’t hurt themselves very much and only made fools of themselves. Now they are friends again.

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Francisco Robledo received bullets from a tenant when he arrived to collect his rent. He thanks Saint Francis because he only got a scratch on his hand and that lunatic has been arrested.

Evaristo Martinez got a bullet in his buttock for not paying his gambling debts. He thanks the Lord of the Wonders for his recovery and promises to not gamble anymore.

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When the young Alejandro Jimenes’ father came home drunk, he used to hang the boy naked and spanked him with the belt. Alejandro thanks the Holy Child of Atocha for the neighbors denounced about it, and now he is safe.

The barber Ernesto Carrasco was attacked in his own shop. He was defending himself and stabbed the attacked with the scissors. Ernesto thanks Saint Elias because they didn’t do anything to him for that and the attacker was arrested.

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I bring this retablo to the Lord of Chalma for the miracle that my boyfriend stopped drinking and fighting, to my relief and happiness.

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Teresa Guzman was very gossipy. One day her neighbor couldn’t take it any more, she grabbed her hair and gave her what she deserved. Teresa promises to Saint Raymond to amend herself in order to avoid such complications in future.

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Being under the influence of drugs, El Pancho took out his pistol and shot El Abel. Seeing him in danger of dying, we entrusted him to the Lord of Chalma, and he saved his life.

Barrio Norte, Mexico City
May 1, 2000

He was refereeing a street soccer match and was attacked by various players while marking a penalty. They sent him to the hospital. He thanks Saint John Bosco because he’s recovered and the culprits are in jail.

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I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because she finally worked the miracle of delivering me from these terrible nightmares in which I was being raped by the demons. Thanks to my prayers to the Virgin now I sleep peacefully.

Isabel Benitez
Mexico City, 1953

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I, Maria, give thanks to Saint Sebastian because now I’m feeling better. I was beaten by two men after I refused to go in the hotel with them.

February 10, 2000
Merced, Mexico City

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When I was returning after a concert, I ran into some bastards who tried to mug me. But they got nothing from me. Then one of them pulled out a gun and put it to my head. I grabbed him and took the gun, but the other one stabbed me. I fell feeling pretty bad. Those two were definitely high. Then the first guy picked up the gun and was going to finish me. That moment, I prayed the Archangel of Justice. Suddenly my pal appeared, and those two ran away, without killing me. Good thing you stopped them in time, pal.

Tepito, Mexico City