Gonzalo Hernández

The representative Luis del Valle received some uncomfortable questions about his homosexual past from a journalist. Luis honestly confessed and now he is much happier, although his political career has ended. He thanks Father Jesus for giving him the courage to live without lies.

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Jasinto Gonzalez was hit by current when he was on the roof hanging his washing and accidentally touched one of the cables. He thanks the Lord of the Wonders for saving his life.

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The widow B. M. was feeling very lonely but then a neighbor seduced her, and now they live happily. She thanks Saint Raymond with this retablo because the neighbor is quiet about it so nobody knows about it.

A neighbor of the butcher Ricardo Jimenez used to pay him for the meat with her body until one day her husband found out about it and started shooting at them. The butcher thanks for he survived and promises not to be so weak.

I thank Saint Raymond for saving me from my husband’s rage when he caught me with my friend who hid under the bed, so my husband didn’t noticed him because he’s near-sighted.

Tlaxcala, 1927

The young lady Maria Elena Gutierrez’s boyfriend was very jealous. He even threatened to beat her. She thanks Saint Francis for ridding herself of him since he was hit by a car and died. She asked to forgive her for being glad about it.

Raul Chavez couldn’t find a job and dedicated himself to prostitution with women. But one day in husband caught him working on his wife and began shooting at him. He thanks Saint Pancras for he survived and promises to dedicate himself to something else.

The Nicolas Gutierrez’s friends arranged a bachelor party for him. But instead of a chick they gave him a transvestite. He thanks Saint Patrick for he noticed it in time and didn’t make a laughing stock of himself.

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The priest Jose R. enjoyed jerking off while the women confessing him in their sins. But one day his superior caught him. He thanks Saint Francis because with many prayers and a lot of meditation he managed to overcome this.

The marigold vendor entrusted himself to Saint Sebastian de Aparicio and brings him this retablo for the good sales on the Day of the Dead.

The window cleaner Juventino Ruiz found himself in serious danger when the rope that held him started to break. He prayed to the Virgin of Guadalupe, and saved him from danger. He brings this retablo in gratitude.

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Eduviges Guerrero enjoyed her long hair. But one day it got caught in a fan while she was eating a mole in a tavern. She thanks Saint Charbel for nothing serious happened and she only made a laughing stock of herself.

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The young Ernesto Sanchez was given a rotten sandwich. He had diarrhea for a few days, as a consequence. No remedy helped him. He thanks the Holy Child Doctor for his recovery.

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