Pedro Villanueva, professional veterinary, thanks Saint Francis with this retablo because his dream finally came true—to take care and protect jaguars in their natural habitat.
Pedro Villanueva, professional veterinary, thanks Saint Francis with this retablo because his dream finally came true—to take care and protect jaguars in their natural habitat.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I had a vision, and from that day I stopped killing cows. Thank you, Saint John.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
I suspected that my boss was attracted to me physically. My suspicions were confirmed during the office party at the end of the year. He was shamelessly hounding me all night. I give infinite thanks to Saint Martin the Cavalryman because I found another job since my situation had become unbearable—apart from me not liking him, he’s also married.
Catalina Morales, Puebla
Retablo by Flor Palomares
They publish one of my story in the newspaper, and they they called me to bring more. Since I’m little bit messy, all my text were in manuscripts. I took all my papers yo let them choose what to print and went there on my bike. Right away a strong wind blew in my face, and all my papers flew away. I felt like the work of few years of my life had gone. But with a help of Saint Barbara I was able to pick up everything, and even my doggy helped me. By a miracle I didn’t lose not one list. I thank the saint for the miracle.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
We thank God because volunteers and rescuers together with the Navy and especially this dog Frida managed to find alive and save four people from a building in Roma which collapsed from the 7.1 quake on September 19, 2017.
United neighbors
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
My son Paquito lied to me saying that he ate good and healthy food that I packed him for school lunch. But in reality he was buying sweets and junk food. Because of that he got stomach pain. I thank the Holy Child Doctor for his illness wasn’t serious and he learned his lesson—he shouldn’t lie and he must eat healthy for his own good.
Margarita Hernandez, Puebla
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Ramon Meneses ended up in the hospital because his jealous girlfriend tried to strangle him while he was watching soccer. He brings this retablo to Saint Jude Thaddeus thanking him for he’s feeling better and she has been arrested.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I thank God because on July 26, 2006 The Dogs of Evil won. Mr. Aguilla, El Terrible and my favorite The Son of the Dog Aguaya performed a master fight against El Mistico, Negro Casas and Rey Bucanero. They showed who rules at the Arena Mexico, although they weren’t favorites. “The Dogs don’t forgive”. I won the bet to my girlfriend because we both love wrestling.
Lupe and Juan
Coyoacan, Mexico City, 2006
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
Saint Jude Thaddeus, thank you for protecting me. I took advantage of my husband being drunk and managed to escape. When my husband went to drink, he used to chain me in the house so I wouldn’t go out. That’s how jealous he was. When he came back from the street I asked him to unchain me to go to the bathroom. He did so. When I finished in the bathroom I noticed that my husband fell asleep. I ran away and hid myself in shrublands. Then I saw my husband walking near me with a whip in his hand—to whip me. I was very scared and decided to leave him. I went to the capital to my aunt and uncle and save myself from this cruel man.
Laura Mejia, Mexico City, 1952
Retablo by Viridiana Canseco Hernández
Thanks for the octopus didn’t eat me.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
The opening day in the doña Guadalupe’s tavern one of clients choked on a big piece of grilled neat. The woman was suffocating and even her eyes popped out. Doña Lupe thanks the Virgin of San Juan for the woman didn’t choke to death. Otherwise, it would have been bad luck for her tavern to have a dead customer.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
I had many horrifying dreams with blood, being surrounded by demons and people with skinless bodies. But my faith in you saved me. Thanks.
Rosario Coral
Ixil, 1947
Retablo by Unknown artist #21
Virgin of San Juan, thank you for giving me the good luck of meeting Victor when I was in deep depression after breaking up with my husband. Now, after some time of knowing each other, he asked me to be his partner, and I accepted. I ask you to bless our relationship so our love would only grow bigger.
Paolo & Victor
La Condesa, Mexico City
February 14, 2003
Retablo by Luis Vilchis