I thank Saint Quiteria of Frexeiras for having cured me.
Edite Soares P. da Silva
07-09-2009, Arapiraca, AL
I thank Saint Quiteria of Frexeiras for having cured me.
Edite Soares P. da Silva
07-09-2009, Arapiraca, AL
Retablo by Severino Silva
Virgin of Guadalupe, we dedicate this retablo to you for surviving after trying to cross the railroads before the approaching train. Finding ourselves in such disgrace we entrusted ourselves to you and managed to escape from the car. We thank you.
Federico and Luisa, 1969
Retablo by Hugo Vilchis
Jasinta Ramos brings this retablo to the Virgin of San Juan thanking her because the chupacabra left her in peace.
Tepiaca, 1987
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I didn’t understand my dream at all but it looked a lot like one of those Mexican retablos with a guy on a hospital bed with a doctor and a nurse by his side and Jesus Christ crucified to the left.
Retablo by Javier Mayoral
Bernardo Martinez worked cleaning drainages, and one day he was attacked by many rats causing him rabies. Bernardo prayed to Saint James and miraculously got cured. He infinitely thanks for that with this retablo.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Ricardo Arriola went fishing in the open sea with his buddy Eliseo. They were preparing to come back when suddenly a ship in form of flying saucer came out of the water. That moment they prayed the Virgin of Juquila, and it saved them from the danger. They dedicate this retablo.
Puerto Angel, Oaxaca, February 1970
Retablo by Adan Pacheco
I thank the Lord of Villaseca for I found my son Ramon after the mine had been collapsed. I also thank because he recovered quickly after that accident.
July 4, 1948
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
Marcelina Valdez went to steal apples from don Cresencio. But she didn’t know that he had a very angry goat whom he used as a guard. The goat poked Marcelina with the horns. She thanks the Virgin for don Cresencio saw it and puled the goat away. Marcelina had to admit her shameful intent and to ask for Cresencio for forgiveness. She ended up with few bruises, and promises to the Virgin to not steal ever again.
Retablo by Raul
Historical Sunday it was for the wrestling. Thanks to his jumps the wrestler Holy Mask won over the Little Phantom and became the first ever champion among little people according to the World Wrestling Committee. The audience at the Arena Mexico was roaring which isn’t easy to achieve. March 10, 1992. I thank Saint Jude Thaddeus.
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
Renata Menendez was suffering from the chupacabra. She asked the Magi to protect her. She brings this retablo as gratitude.
Tehuacan, 1949
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Roberto J. used to breake into houses and steal. But one day a dog bit his balls so he was very close to became a lady. He thanks Saint Judas for his cure and promise to be a good man.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Marcela and her boyfriend Armando were kissing under a tree when the ghost of the Weeping Woman appeared to them. She approached them and began weeping and crying. Marcela was so scared she got sick after the scene. She couldn’t stop stutter for three days. sSe didn’t want to die because of the stutter, and she got pain in her stomach also, so she prayed the Holy Child of Atocha. Thanks to the saint she got recovered, the fear and the stutter have gone.
Retablo by Unknown artist #54
Thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ I met a very handsome man need Luis.
Retablo by Javier Mayoral