Teresa Ramos participated in an amateur striptease contest. She thank Saint James with this retablo for she won and she was named the Striptease Queen. Now she has offers from the best clubs.
Teresa Ramos participated in an amateur striptease contest. She thank Saint James with this retablo for she won and she was named the Striptease Queen. Now she has offers from the best clubs.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
With the help of the Virgin Mary we became friends with three very famous wrestlers in Tampico.
Retablo by Javier Mayoral
My son brought me to live with him in the city. I felt very disturbed over there, and I asked the Virgin to help me to feel at ease [...]
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
The Bald thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for all his tattoos.
Mexico City
April 21, 2009
Tel. 5534 71-01
Retablo by David Mecalco
August 1925, Pancho Lopez was practicing throwing a lasso near by Zacatlan, and he hurt his balls. Since no remedy helped him, he asked Holy Child of Atocha for help. It helped, Pancho got cured. He thanks for that with this retablo.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
When my children and I were crossing the waterfall our mule fell off the cliff. We thank Holy Child of Atocha for it was caught by branches and the saint gave us enough strength to pull it up. I have no other explanation but miracle that I did it only with the help of my kids.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
The Santo Tomas inhabitants thank because the fair finally came to their town, as all the years before. Everybody, and especially kids, enjoy very much the carousel.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
We thank the Merciful Lord and dedicate him this retablo. My husband was accused in murder of our household manager as if he cut him in pieces and buried in the basement. But two agents from the precinct came over and didn’t find any clues.
Retablo by Javier Mayoral
The wrestler Golden Pheasant thanks Saint Maroun with this retablo for the success he’s had with so many groupies and for he hasn’t caught any infection.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
My husband loved his dogs very much, he even let them sleep in the bedroom. When they got six puppies it became totally unbearable. I prayed the Virgin of San Juan. I thank the Virgin because my husband finally agreed to build a kennel. So I don’t have to suffer from fleas and dog hair in my bed anymore.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
R. S. was very picky about the young men and chose only handsome ones. But one day a horny fat man showed her what it means to be a good lover. She thanks Saint Anthony with this retablo for she met such a tremendous man.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Thanks to our Guardian angel who let us breathe in some air when we are feeling the suffocation stronger than the pain from losing our beloved princes who end up turning in what they really are.
July 2002
Retablo by Rocio Caballero
I give thanks to you, Christ the Saviour, for drying my eyes when I was drowning in the sea of tears, looking how all my lovers who, like Ulysses, set out on a journey without return, slipping off my arms. With your light, I’ll find that horizon where this eternal question would finally sink—“Where if not in my arms?”
July 2002
Retablo by Rocio Caballero