Rutilio Prado was in the field and ate a peyote and saw many bizarre things that scared me a lot because there were colors and figures that spoke to me, but you delivered me from this bad trip.
San Luis Potosi, 1962
Rutilio Prado was in the field and ate a peyote and saw many bizarre things that scared me a lot because there were colors and figures that spoke to me, but you delivered me from this bad trip.
San Luis Potosi, 1962
Retablo by Christopher Rodriguez Contreras
I dedicate this retablo in honor of the Queen and Patroness of Mexico in the memory of that sad morning of September 19, 1985, when I was surprised by a strong earthquake while going to take a cup of coffee in “Super Leche”, I was crossing the Central Avenue Lazaro Cardenas when I drop my wallet at the lights. I came back to pick it up, and here it happened, and the Virgin of Guadalupe saved my life in this way. It was 20 years ago, and here I tell about your miracle. May you be blessed.
Salvador P. G., I was 20 years old
Central District of Mexico City
September 19, 2005
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
Maleno Romero had diarrhea and strong pains in stomach for several days. To such degree that when he was cross arm drinking with his buddy in the canteen he dropped a poop. Since no remedy would help him, he implored Saint Pancras, and was cured. He fervently thanks him for that.
Puebla, 1914
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Miss Yolanda Reinoso, a skirmish rider from the Margaritas ranch, dedicates this humble retablo to the Virgin of Guadalupe for the received favor of being able to do what she loves the most and what fills her with pride—the art of charro riding.
Queretaro, Mexico
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
I was riding my tricycle, when a baby crossed the road and I hit him. But thanks to the divine intervention of the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe he got off with a scratch.
Otilio Garcia
Retablo by Medora García
With this humble retablo, I thank Saint Jude Thaddeus because I was able to pass on this beautiful tradition of being a flyer to my son Venustiano. It was my honor to perform this beautiful dance since my young years. Now it’s he who is in charge of keeping our family tradition.
Isidoro Rosas ~ Papantla, Veracruz
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
January 22, 1970
I thank the Holy Face of God from Acapulco for working a miracle that my daughter Sara stopped working as a prostitute.
Her mother Maria Solis
Retablo by David Mecalco
My gratitude to Saint Jude for looking after me in my fights.
Red Angel
Retablo by Jorge Bonola
Thank you, Virgin of Carmel, I was able to find my fiancé and convince him to go to the church for his own good.
Petra — Oaxaca, Mexico, 1968
Retablo by Rogelio Peña
My daughter Susana loved when I was reading stories to her. She loved fairy tales so much, she learned to read sooner than her sisters to be able to read them by herself. When I got sick, she read tales to me, and it was wonderful. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for such a clever and caring daughter.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
I dedicate this retablo to Saint Christopher to thank him because he healed me.
Amilcar Sanchez
Retablo by Jorge Bonola
Holy Child of Atocha, I give you thanks for delivering me from the pain caused by an evil woman who broke my heart.
Vicente, Oaxaca, Mexico, 1968
Retablo by Rogelio Peña
Raul Contreras and Gaudencio Blanco pay the Virgin of Guadalupe with this retablo for saving them from death in the desert. For this favor, they pay with this.
Tijuana, 1960
Retablo by Christopher Rodriguez Contreras