I thank the Virgin of Juquila for the viagra, so my painful illness went away and I could satisfy my wife in bed. Since no medicine had helped me before, I entrusted myself to you and tried the viagra. We’re very happy now, and our marriage is saved.

Roberto — Coyocan, Mexico City
December 5, 1999

My husband was spending time drinking at the bar and didn’t work. One day he saw his buddy Samuel Rios’s skeleton who had died of drink. The skeleton offered him to drink to the best. My husband was so scared with this hallucination that he stopped drinking. I thank the Virgin of San Juan for it happened.

Antonio Mendoza was walking and selling sweets in order to cover his family’s expenses. One day a furious mad woman answered the door and started to chase him with a knife. He thanks the Virgin of Zapopan because she was just about a few inches from him trying to kill him. He was able to escape from that madwoman, with great difficulty, and to save his own life.

Martina Gonzales thanks Saint Antony because after so many prayers and candles in the church her husband began to satisfy her again.

Tomatian, Jalisco
March 8, 1958

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Thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe, for helping me giving up this bad habit. I was constantly drinking this soft drink, so I even began to see strange things.

Oaxaca, Mexico, 1990

Retablo by

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I offer these flowers and this retablo to the Virgin of Guadalupe, as I promised, for my husband Tiburcio came well through a dangerous surgery on his head.

Lucha Vidal
Cuajimalpa, Mexico City — December 12, 2000

Retablo by

My son Raulito loved when I read tales to him. He loved them so much he even began to read himself, and more quickly than other my children. When I was ill he read me, and it was wonderful. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for such an intelligent and loving son.

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Gudelia Meneses had to go shopping. Since it was raining and she didn’t want to ruin her new shoes, she put her husband boots on. But they were so big, she slipped and fell in a puddle. She hit her coccyx so bad, she though she’d become paralyzed. She thanks the Virgin of the Rosary for her quick recovery from the back pain.

The devil pricked my head with his trident. It caused me a terrible pain. I couldn’t do anything, only sat quietly in semi-darkness suffering. I prayed to Saint Peter Martyr who had suffered the same way. The saint took pity upon me and my pain began to going away. I haven’t had a headache ever since. Thanks for that.

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Guadalupe Gutierrez dedicates this humble retablo thanking Saint Isidor Labourer for good sales of the flowers. She sells them to the tourists who took rides on boats-trajineras. Thanks to that she can support her family.

Xochimilco, Mexico

I thank the Blessed Sacrament for a wonderful dream in which I climbed a very high ladder to the sky. There I got the ability of flying through the stars and the clouds that were like made of cotton. After that night, my eternal sadness went away. Now I’m happy.

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My fiancé and I, we love the dogs. We both had our own dogs, but they didn’t get along. When we decided to get married no one was going to leave his dog. But it was very difficult to keep them together. I prayed Saint Anthony for a solution. And miraculously the dogs became friends. Now they get along well and play with each other. We thank the saint.

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It was hard for Mariana Perez to make friends because she was very shy and didn’t socialize. Bu when her family moved to the coast she became friends with a dolphin. Now she’s very happy. She thanks Saint Francis.