Virgin of San Juan

Abelino Sanchez thanks the Virgin of San Juan for protecting him that night when the town lumberyard got on fire. The flames were very powerful but he managed to break through without burns, get to the fire and extinguish it.

Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco

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1927, Benita Ruiz’ husband kicked the bucked and she was left all alone. Benita entrusted herself to the Virgin of San Juan, and with her help she could survive with children working as a laundrywoman. She thanks the Virgin.

Rodrigo Guzman came home drunk and without keys. Therefore he got an idea to break a window with his hand but cut himself so badly that he ended up in the hospital. He thanks the Virgin of San Juan for his recovery and promises to cut back on booze.

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A hail storm ruined the roof of the corral. I thank the Virgin of San Juan because my husband, although reluctantly, let the animals sleep in the house until he could repair the roof and until it won’t be so cold outside.

Marina Rios

Leaving the bar, my old man and I met extraterrestrials who wanted to take us to their planet. I thank the Virgin of San Juan for protecting us from these little creatures.

Tlaxcala, 1985

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Holy Virgin of San Juan, I dedicate this retablo to you for letting my sons, Juan and Pedro, cross the Rio Bravo (Rio Grande) and get to USA, in spite of one of them being nearly drowned.

A grateful mother
Jalisco, 1983

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Virgin of San Juan, I dedicate this retablo to your honor because my spine is alright. I injured it when the horse fell on me. I thank for staying well.

Ramon Luna – Jalisco, 1945

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Some martians moved in the house near us. I was scared, but then, after knowing them better, I saw that they are very nice and generous persons. Our families get along very well. I thank the Virgin for such wonderful neighbors.

August 4, 1977. I give thanks to the Virgin of San Juan for saving my son fro dying when he fell from the tractor right under the wheels and I ran him over.

Alfredo Gerra Treviño

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Everyone in our family has a musical talent which we are very proud of. However, we were highly disappointed in our son Mario who hadn’t inherited a good ear for music and is awful in playing the instrument he chose. He hadn’t inherited my wife’s wonderful voice as well. He sings horribly. But his teacher has discovered that he’s a mathematical genius. We thank the Virgin of San Juan for our son has some talent.

When I came back home after visiting my mother I saw some martians in my bedroom. They were drunk with lemonade. It seems that the lemons had had alcohol effect on the martians and they were in deep sleep. When I scream out of fear, they woke up and escaped through the window to their spaceship. On their way they picked up all the lemons from the trees. I thank the Virgin of San Juan for the martians didn’t do anything to me.

I thank the Virgin of San Juan for helping me to get safe and sound to the United States, because we crossed the desert.

Sr. Nicolas Prieto Arredondo Salano
August 10, 1977, Morelia, Michoacan

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It was late when we left the wedding celebration of our cousin Filemon. We were riding back home, and the devil himself appeared to us. He blocked our way and wanted to take us with him. But since my brother and I always wear the Virgin of San Juan’s medallions, we showed them to the devil, and he didn’t dare to come closer. He vanished with a smoke leaving the sulphur stink. We thank the Virgin for protecting us.