I was losing my mind because of the noise made by the cats that came to visit the three female cats of my neighbor. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because thanks to my prayers the neighbor moved out and now I sleep well.
— tagged with “neighbors”
I was losing my mind because of the noise made by the cats that came to visit the three female cats of my neighbor. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because thanks to my prayers the neighbor moved out and now I sleep well.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
My neighbors were gossiping that my friend flirted with my husband. One day when I met her near the laundry sinks on the roof I grabbed her hair. Thanks to Saint Raymond, those rumors turned out to be pure lies. I made up with my friend, and the gossiping neighbors won’t upset us ever again.
Francisca Cruz ~ Villahermosa, Tabasco
Retablo by Flor Palomares
When the young Alejandro Jimenes’ father came home drunk, he used to hang the boy naked and spanked him with the belt. Alejandro thanks the Holy Child of Atocha for the neighbors denounced about it, and now he is safe.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Teresa Guzman was very gossipy. One day her neighbor couldn’t take it any more, she grabbed her hair and gave her what she deserved. Teresa promises to Saint Raymond to amend herself in order to avoid such complications in future.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Benjamin Rojas loved to pretend to be a sleepwalker so he can go around and grope his neighbors. But one day they got fed up with him and called the police. Benjamin thanks Saint James for this lesson and promises to amend himself.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
A demon used to get to my room through the window at night. He put my clothes on and spent all night looking at himself in the mirror. I was afraid and also upset because he left all my clothes smelled of sulfur. Then I had an idea to move the mirror to the henhouse. Thanks to the Virgin of Zapopan the demon never came back. I think he visits my neighbor though, because she smells of sulfur and she’s got a really beautiful full length mirror.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
Pedro Telles was spying on his neighbor from the roof; and one day he was struck by a lightning. WIth this retablo, he thanks the Holy Child of Atocha because he didn’t die, although he often stutters.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Alfredo Navarro was very much sexed up so he went to steal his neighbor’s underwear. However she caught him and denounced him. Alfredo thanks Saint Maroun for he has been already released from the jail and promises to amend his ways.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
When my husband got sick and he couldn’t work we found out that we can count on our neighbors who helped us.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
I was annoyed by disgusting barking of a neighbor’s dog. One day I, Levchenko Sasha, couldn’t stand anymore—I went out to the balcony and aimed at the dog with my sling. I was raging, my hands were shaking, and my eye was twitching. Thanks to the Guardian Angel, that moment, my neighbor went out to her balcony and scared the dog. Otherwise, I would have harmed this dog and would have been suffering from a guilty conscience afterwards. So since that time, when the dog barks I put my headphones on and listen “Rammstein”.
Retablo by Elena Bukina
My neighbor was a lazy man. When his fence was broken he didn’t fix it, so his pigs went directly to my garden and ate my flowers. I was desperate seeing what those pigs were doing with my garden. I prayed to Saint Francis because no matter how hard I tried to kick them out they always came back. The saint made a miracle. The neighbor patched the hole in the fence and saved me from the pigs. I give thanks.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
My wife ate more and more. She even brought food to the bed. All the sheets were in crumbles, and she became so fat, she occupied almost all the bed and pushed me out of it at night. I was anxious to get my good sleeping back so I prayed the Virgin of Zapopan. Right away my wife stopped overeating and even started losing some pounds. She became so beautiful, even our new neighbor commented me how nice looking she is. And I thank for I sleep well again.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
I liked my neighbor, and she responded me. But she had a grumpy and violent father. He was very suspicious and kept an eye on her. One night I climbed to her room to see her and made some noise. Her father heard and came running with a pistol. I prayed Saint Jude Thaddeus, and he gave me an idea to pretend being a sleep-walker. The neighbor believed in to and let me go. I thank for such an exceptional favor.
Onesimo Carreto
Zacatecas, 1959
Retablo by Flor Palomares