— tagged with “prostitutes”

My friends and I had an idea of hiring prostitutes via internet for the bachelor party of one of them. I was greatly surprised finding out that one of the prostitutes was my cousin. I thank Saint Charbel because, in exchange of keeping this secret and not telling her parents about it, she will introduce me to her friends and they will give me a special price.

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I’m still a virgin because I’ve been always very shy with women. So my friends encouraged me to hire a prostitute. But I was so nervous I didn’t notice that I went to the area where crossdresser men work. I give thanks to Saint Bruno because I noticed that the “girl” who was about to jump in my car was a man. I promise to wait till the real love comes to my life.

Maximiliano T. — Culiacan, Sinaloa

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Pancho Moreno brings this retablo to the Miraculous Holy Heart of Jesus which I thank for letting me stay with the smoking hot Nina and, despite COVID-19, dine this Goddess out which I never forget. Uuuiiii!

Pancho Moreno
Xalapa, Veracruz, 2020

Nayely thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for granting her her health after she was stabbed by a client when he was paying her. Now she’s back at this corner to work as a prostitute and she begs you wholeheartedly to protect her.


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Thank you, Virgin of the Rosary, I was able to convince my fiancé to get back to the church for his own good.

Josefina — Oaxaca, Mexico, 1962

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For all those who sin for love

I thank the blessed souls of the purgatory for meeting this precious woman. Her charm and experience gave me confidence and healed my painful affliction that made my masculine pride suffer. Now I can satisfy my wife without any trouble, and she never found out about my visits to this house of pleasures.

M. R. — Mexico City, 1960

I, Joana Morales, pay to the Virgin of Guadalupe with this exvoto because you have delivered me from illnesses, bad men and other dangers. Thanks!

Mexico City
April 11, 1982

Virgin of Guadalupe, I’m offering you this retablo for getting me out from the life of prostitution and abuse. I met a good man who loves me and doesn’t care about my past. He proposed to me and I’m letting know about my happiness.

Laura M. The Hot Girl
Merced, Mexico City, 20006

I give thanks to Saint Pancras with this retablo for meeting the painter Frida because she helped me to get free from my abusive pimp.

Cayetana Jimenes
Puebla, 1947

I dedicate this retablo and entrust this precious woman to the Holy Cross. Although she was a whore, she gave her life for the cause of the Mexican revolution. She died brutally slaughtered but taking out many federals with her.

Marieta, don’t be flirty
Because men are very bad
They promise lots of gifts
And what they give are pure hits.

Chihuahua, 1912

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My buddy Jasinto is a drunkard, party goer, gambler and womanizer. Holy Virgin make him behave well and deliver him from hell.

Saint Charbel, thank you for your deeds. I thank for helping out to my daughter to go on studying. I had to become a prostitute after my husband left us and I got an accident at work. I accidentally put my hand in a die and lost my arm. They had to give me a prosthesis. I thank for my daughter has finished nursing school.

Faustina Flores
Mexico City, 1964

Julieta Mondragon orders this retablo to the Virgin of Guadalupe because the infection she caught from a client by carelessness wasn’t AIDS. I was so sick from fright, and I entrusted myself to the Virgin, and thanks to her I’m healthy and feeling good.

Merced, Mexico City, 1995

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