Gino Rubert dedicates the present retablo to the Holy Father for hearing his prayers and giving his wife a fatal pulmonary infection because she was a very cruel and abusive person.
Mexico City, 2013
— tagged with “violence”
Gino Rubert dedicates the present retablo to the Holy Father for hearing his prayers and giving his wife a fatal pulmonary infection because she was a very cruel and abusive person.
Mexico City, 2013
Retablo by Gino Rubert
The ice cream man thanks Saint Nicholas of Bari because he helped him so the ice cream mafiosi didn’t get him out. I didn’t join their organization, so they start to throng dow my ice creams. I ask Saint Nicholas for help, and the Tick Man miraculously came to help me. He protected me from the attackers. Thanks to him, I can keep selling my ice cream without any problem.
Mexico City, 2010
Retablo by Flor Palomares
When I got lost, I was attacked. They tried to take my taxi—my only way to earn money after I’d been fired from Ruta 100 (public transport company). I prayed the Angel of Justice, and the attackers suddenly ran away in fear without doing me any harm. I knew it was you, Angel, who scared them away. That’s why I offer this retablo to you, to the protector of all Mexico City’s taxi drivers. It happened in the biggest city in the world—Mexico City.
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
Jacinto Torres was beaten in the park for speaking out his political views. He thanks Saint James because the authorities took measures and arrested the attackers.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Juana dedicates this humble retablo to the Lord of the Column for Juvencio who got five bullets in the stomach from the soldiers of the garrison at Celaya for having deserted. I found him almost dead and prayed the Lord for protection. He heard me, and I thank him with this retablo for what happened that morning on April 15, 1922.
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
My neighbors were gossiping that my friend tried to seduce my husband. One day when I met her during my laundry I grabbed her hair. Thanks to Saint Raymond, those rumors were lies. I made up with my friend, and the gossiping neighbors won’t upset us anymore.
Francisca Cruz, 1988
Retablo by Flor Palomares
The janitor Roberto Mendoza was rude to a boxer, and the boxer couldn’t take it and, with a right powerful punch, sent Roberto to the hospital. He thanks Saint John Bosco for this lesson and promises to not be a clown anymore.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
1914, on my way from Tepiac to the ranch in Torija, I was attacked by three men from Santa Cruz. They tied me to a tree and scourged me. I entrusted myself to Saint Michael the Archangel and now thank him for saving me from death.
Aniseto Peres
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Lord of Chalma, thank you because my wife with my kids have returned to me. She left me because I used to get drunk, to spend all days in the bar and to beat her and kids, when I came home. When I was all alone, as a dog, I realized I couldn’t live without them. I stopped drinking and begged her with tears to come back. There have been 10 years without me drinking.
Jeronimo Urbina
Tacubaya, Mexico City, 1990
Retablo by Unknown artist #7
I thank Our Lady of Sienna because I escaped from a vicious ape with only minor injuries.
Retablo by Javier Mayoral
The cousins Ramon and Jose Lopes were fighting and one of them in fury sprinkled insecticides in the face of another one. The sprinkled kid was in bad condition. His parents thank Saint John Bosco for it didn’t get serious.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Señora Maria del Rosario Toxtle from Tetela del Volcan heard a loud noise at 2 a.m. She went out and saw a man in a helmet killing her sheep and sucking blood from them. When the extraterrestrial saw that he was noticed, he grabbed his bag and flew up in the air to his flying saucer. Señora thanks the Virgin of the Solitude for protection and brings this retablo as testimony.
Retablo by Adan Pacheco
Violeta Perez got in a fight with another prostitute over the place on a corner. She thanks Saint John Bosco because she ended up the winner, and she brings this retablo.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández