Virgin of San Juan, thank you for saving me from the death when I fell off the camel trying my luck. I thank you for that.
Julietta Molina «The Indomitable»
April 30, 1995
Virgin of San Juan, thank you for saving me from the death when I fell off the camel trying my luck. I thank you for that.
Julietta Molina «The Indomitable»
April 30, 1995
Retablo by Hugo Vilchis
I thank Saint Barbara for the miracle of my husband (?), our love and the beautiful house he built for me with his own hands.
Rancho en la playa, 2007
Retablo by Unknown artist #10
An extraterrestrial visits me and asks a lot of questions. But thanks to Virgin he’s not a bad person.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
1943, a mermaid appeared to the boatman Catarino Fernandez. She tried to take him to the bottom of the sea. He thanks the Virgin of the Charity because he escaped.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
We thank the Virgin of San Juan because we returned to our home town after long time. We felt our wind with its specific aroma that reminded us about our childhood and youth. We felt the same sun under which we fell in love with each other once.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
I thank Saint Quiteria of Frexeiras for curing my two cows.
Leonel Pereira da Silva – Lagoa do Ouro, PE 12-10-07
Retablo by Severino Silva
In the heat of the fight Visenta Lopez got confused and shot her old man in the ribs. He was badly screwed. Visenta thanks the Lord of the Wonders for the old man didn’t kick the bucket and got recovered.
Pachuca, Hidalgo, 1914
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I dedicate this retablo to the Virgin Mary because we found an accommodating and private dungeon where we can enjoy and practice bondage comfortably.
Retablo by Javier Mayoral
We thank Saint Cecily with this retablo for the received favor and for making Lupita, our singer, understand that singing wasn’t her profession. She insisted to be our singer but she was so horrible that we were only loosing clients and offers with her howl. Since Lupita has dedicated herself to the violin, we are very happy and the things are going better.
The mariachi band “Sun of Tecamachalco”
Tecamachalco, Puebla
Retablo by Flor Palomares
At the day of my wedding my fiancé changed his mind and didn’t come to the church. Furious with rage and pain, I ran to the cape and threw myself into the sea to kill myself. But after falling into the water I imagined my skeleton in the wedding dress lying at the bottom of the sea and surrounded by corrals and seaweed. I realized I didn’t want to die. But my dress got wet and heavy and dragged me down. Saint Barbara came to help me. I was taken by a current and brought up to the shore. A wave threw me back to the air and to the sun. I’m infinitely grateful for that.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
My son Paquito had a fever. He had hallucinations with skeletons that were flying around him. They laughed and wanted to take him with them. I was scared and I prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan, so she would bring down his temperature. Finally she heard my prayers. Carlitos had no more fever and even started to eat. I give thanks to the Holy Virgin.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
Eulalia Tepox heard a noise late at night. It was coming from a henhouse. She grabbed a pistol and went out. There she saw a horrible being—the Chupacabra—who had killed 80 of her chicken. Eulalia started shooting at it but with no result. The monster ran away. Then doña Eulalia entrusted herself to Saint John the Baptist and now thanks for delivering her from a bigger evil. She brings this as her testimony.
San Juan Cuatlancingo, Cholula, 1973
Retablo by Adan Pacheco
I thank the Virgin of the Rosary because fairies come to my garden. I give them milk which they love so much they stay in my garden for hours and I can admire them in all their splendor.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar