I thank Saint Anthony for a beautiful wedding. I married a man I love very much and who loves me.

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The gardener Leopoldo Chavez asked the Holy Child of Atocha for a new lawn-mower, and the next day he found a pure gold ring. That’s how his dream came true for which he thanks with the retablo.

I thank the Virgin of Montserrat for getting free from the police on November 9, 2005. I was arrested when I was painting a graffiti with my buddy.

Raul de Dios

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Carmelo Coyotzi brings this retablo to Saint Martin the Cavalryman thanking him for the success of his bar.

Tlaxcala, 1920

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Virgin of Guadalupe, thank you because I survived after being attacked by the lion. That dangerous moment I entrusted myself to you and you protected me. Now I’m alright and keep working in the circus.

Vicente Perez
April 30, 1990, Mexico City

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St. Jude Thaddeus, thank you for sending me happiness. One day I was walking to Cuernavaca and I wanted some cold beer. I went to a bar, and there I met Ernesto. This young man dragged my attention right away. Also I liked his mole. In short we started talking, and now we’re a couple. I won a lottery with this guy. We are madly in love.

Edgar Alvarado
Temixco, Morelos, 1965

Mrs. Adriana thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe because her son’s idols the wrestlers El Hijo del Santo and Mistico won over the Last Warrior and Averno at the Arena Isabel of Cuernavaca, Morelos.

Thursday, June 20, 2006
Mrs. Ariadna and the boy Manuel Ruiz

Bernabe Perez brings this retablo to Saint Martin the Cavalryman thanking him because he’s doing well in his chicharrones pan shop.

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I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for not losing my eye and going blind when I was gathering prickly pears and one fell down in my eye hitting me with thorns.

Timoteo Hernandez Lopez
July 16, 1968, Torreon

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My husband and I thank Saint Michael the Archangel for having blessed us with a pair of twins who are getting healthier and more beautiful with every day. They are our joy.

A three-headed crocodile came out of the sea. We thought it’s the end of the world. Thanks goodness he only ate a duck and went away afterwards.

Two thieves got into doña Genoveva’s house but her cats defended her to the death. She brings the present retablo to Saint Anthony the Great thanking him for no cat got hurt.

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My wife and I thank Saint Victor with the present retablo because we were able to buy a big and very private house since we enjoy to walk around the house naked all the time. We were renting a small house before, and it was hard to be naked because our neighbors lived very close.