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The shoes in our family were scratched and torn. We didn’t know the reason until one night when I woke up to go to the bathroom and looked under the bed searching my slippers and saw there the culprits. There were aluxes with giant claws. They tried to put my favorite shoes on. I thank the Virgin of San Juan because the duendes ran away in fear when we smoked them out with tobacco. Because it’s a known fact that the aluxes can’t stand the cigar smoke.

The Calderon sisters saw a ghost wearing a wedding dress. The ghost was crying in the darkness. The girls got so scared, they became ill. Their mother, doña Rosa, thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for hearing their prayers. Now the girls got better, although they refuse to go outside at night.

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I love very much to read about travels and adventures. And I always consult the maps. Because of that every night I see dreams about traveling in other countries and having big adventures. I thank the Blessing Sacrament for giving me such an imagination.

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Retablo by

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I was taking bath in the river with my son. The baby boy slipped out of my hands and was taken by the current. I desperately swam after him. I was able to catch his ankle but then we both fell down a waterfall. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for the miracle that we didn’t get hurt.

I didn’t want a dog in our house, but my husband persuaded me to take one. I thank Saint Quiteria for helping me to get over my fear of dogs. Our dog is a very intelligent, and it’s a very good babysitter. It has a sixth sense to prevent our kids to go someplace without permission <. . .> I’ve become very fond of this dog.

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My husband brought home a mermaid. I was very jealous because he wouldn’t pay me any attention. One day he went to work. The mermaid was sleeping in her pond. So I caught her with a net and threw this damned creature in the sea. I thank the Virgin of San Juan because now my husband pays me more attention.

Diana R. had a good idea to cover herself with honey for her boyfriend. But she didn’t know that he has diabetes. So after pleasing her, he ended up at the hospital. He thanks Saint Mathew because he survived.

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After many years of relationships Heliodoro finally proposed to me. However, on the day of the wedding he changed his mind. Only thanks to the Virgin of Zapopan who whispered me about his runaway, I managed to catch him in time and brought him back to the church. We got married and now we are happy.

Lorenza Gonzalez brings this retablo to Saint James thanking him because her old man broke off the bad habit after he saw the ghost of Agapito Treviño, or the White Horse.

Monterrey, 1911

My neighbor’s dog used to shit on my lawn until I hit him in the mouth. So now he walks his pest in the park and pick up its surprises. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for forgiving my bad action.

Retablo by

I took my girlfriend Mariana for a boat ride on the lake on the moonlight. But suddenly the monster who lives in water appeared and tried to abduct my girl and take her to the bottom of the lake. I thank the Virgin who gave me enough strength to hit the monster with the oar and to push him off the boat. We managed to row to the coast before the monster recovered from the blow.

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