Virgin of Guadalupe

When my husband got very ill and I didn’t know where to find money to take him to the hospital, the Virgin of Guadalupe gave me the inspiration to cut all the flowers in my garden and go sell them at the tianguis market. I sold them all and look my Juan to the doctor, and he was cured promptly.

It happened, Holy Virgin, that came out the octopus already cooked.

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Frida asks the Virgin of Guadalupe that Diego wouldn’t be such a womanizer.

Coyoacan, Mexico City

I couldn’t work because of an illness I had, so I entrusted my self to the Virgin of Guadalupe so that she would help me to heal. Few days later I was completely recovered and could get back to work at my carousel. The things are going well, and I thank for that.

Crisoforo Garza, Monterrey, 1970

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When I lived in an apartment my poor cats didn’t have enough place to play and didn’t go out to get some fresh air. I thank the Virgin for I got a house with a patio. Now my beloved cats—who are my company—can lay on the sun and chase lizards.

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I went to the cemetery to pass some drinks. I didn’t remember that it was November 1. At the midnight I heard strange noises, so I climbed a tree and from over there I saw the dead who began chatting with each other. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for they didn’t see me. At the dawn they disappeared, and I could get down.

One night I discovered that my children had become friends with an enormous and horrible nagual. I tried to tell them that they shouldn’t approach him but they loved him so much they even brought him food and milk. So then I decided to try another way and asked the Virgin of Guadalupe for support. I sprinkled holy water on our house and over the lands, and the nagual wouldn’t dare to approach it anymore. <…>

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I was a little bit of sinner, but not that much so that the devil himself should have come for me. But he came and pulled me to the hell. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because she sent an archangel to protect me and he faced the devil and defeated him. I promise from now on to try not to make very serious sins.

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I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for the miracle of delivering me from this horrible nightmares I used to have when I was being raped by a skeleton. After I’ve prayed with all my heart to the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe, I sleep well now.

Señorita Carmen Reyna B.
Chimaltenango, 1961

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Agustin Aguilar was connecting a radio antenna when a strong blow of the wind made him fell down. He thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe because his fractures have been healed and he can walk again, although he still has pains in the spine.

From who knows where elephant-like beings came to us. We thank for they only wanted water.

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I thank you, Holy Virgin of Guadalupe, for choosing this place to reign with your blessings since that morning of December 5, 1531, when you appeared with your divine message to that Indian the Blessed Juan Diego. We worship you with love, faith, hope and care ever since.

Mexico, Tenochtitlan

My wife died and left my little daughter and me very lonely and sad, but the Virgin of Guadalupe felt sorry for us. I have seen my wife’s spirit taking care of our girl and I feel her lips giving me the good night kiss. I thank for this favor.