I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because she finally worked the miracle of delivering me from these terrible nightmares in which I was being raped by the demons. Thanks to my prayers to the Virgin now I sleep peacefully.

Isabel Benitez
Mexico City, 1953

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May you be blessed, Virgin of Guadalupe, for I found my daughter and didn’t let her to become a bad woman. Now she studies.

Merced, Mexico City – December 12, 1960

I pray to my sweet Jesus to help me fulfill my dream of triumphing as a bullfighter an NYC’s Carnegie Hall.

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July 23, 1955, the river broke its banks, and Maria de la Luz Garcia and her son couldn’t get back home. She thanks the Virgin of San Juan for they didn’t parish and didn’t drown during the thunderstorm because doña Gertrud’s let them spend a night at her kitchen. She sat them closer to the fire so they would dry and have some soup and coffee.

I thank Saint Paschal for saving us from dying when we went fishing and were caught by a sea storm.

Carlos Zuniga Morales
23th July 1975, Tampico, Tamaulipas

Arturo Perez thanks the Virgin of Juquila with this retablo because he has finished his studies and has got a good job as a combat medic.

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The night of November 2, I was taking care of some tomes at the cemetery. I received a great shock when I saw with my own eyes a dead man who opened his casket and was ready to get out of it. I prayed the Lord of Chalma for protection and could escape safely. Next time I’m offered a job at the cemetery, I’d rather refuse.

Aquilino Morales
Guanajuato, 1947

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The Day of the Dead, I made an altar in honor of my late husband. And the Virgin made a miracle. My husband himself came to see it. I was lucky to be with him again, even it was for a few seconds. I thank for having seen my husband again—so handsome and happy.

The gravedigger Agustin Fernandez was at the cemetery and suddenly a skeleton appeared to him and forced him to dance. He thanks Saint Augustine for the skeleton didn’t take him and he’s already recovered after the shock.

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I, Maria, give thanks to Saint Sebastian because now I’m feeling better. I was beaten by two men after I refused to go in the hotel with them.

February 10, 2000
Merced, Mexico City

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My daughter went to buy some tortillas. On her way back, the thunderstorm began. It was hailing, and also raining with frogs. We thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because our daughter was able to find a cover in the abandoned chapel near the road and wait till this incredible storm was over.

The foreman Herminio Castillo’s team thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for helping them to get till the Holy Cross Day without mishaps and to celebrate it with big work.

Tlaxcala, 1969

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The Day of the Dead, Gudelia Sambrano met a ghost who chased her. She prayed the Lord of the Wonders and now offers him a retablo thanking him for she got home safe and sound.

Zacatlan, 1925

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