— tagged with “Mexico City”

I give thanks to Saint Anthony for giving me enough strength so this rotten bastard who broke into my house got what he deserved. He was so scared he dropped his gun he threatened me with. I thank with this retablo.

Josefina Santillan
Mexico, 1973

The writing on the sweater says «rat».

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I, Carlos, dedicate this retablo to Saint Sebastian because after so many years I finally look like I feel.. like a woman. Also I thank you because my family accepted me for who I am.

Olivar del Conde, Mexico
March 25, 2007

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I thank Saint Sebastian because I arrived in time before my naughty boyfriend went to steam with some filthy swine. I whipped him with belt, and now he loves me more than ever and he’s very faithful.

Panchito Perez Cruz
Mexico City, 1987

Ernestina Gonzalez thanks the Virgin oz Zapopan because her daughter Rosita gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby-girl. Her mother-in-law, Berta Patiño, ordered the present retablo in gratitude.

Mexico City, 1973

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The Blue Comet dedicates this humble retablo to the Virgin of the Solitude thanking her because on the day of his debut he defeated the experienced fighter Devil Kid Jr. receiving an ovation and respect of the audience. That’s how his successful carrier in wrestling started.

Mexico City

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Pedro Gomez thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for saving his brother Jesus form dying when he was hit by a truck with failed brakes.

Mexico City
November 2, 1965

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I thank miraculous Saint Anthony because since I prayed novena I have such an effect on the girls that they even fight for going out with me.

Panfilo Vergara Reyes de la Bondojo
Mexico City, 1964

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We thank this Holy Heart for the opportunity of meeting each other. We live as a couple and do not hide it from the society. Today we are celebrating one year of our happy relationship.

Luis & Chui
Colonia Condeza, Mexico City
November 7, 2008

Thank you, Saint Charbel, for your help. When I was sleeping, I smelled some rag burning. I went to see what had happened. I came to my elder son Poncho’s bedroom. Turned out he feel asleep drunk with a lightened cigarette which put a mattress on fire. He couldn’t wake up because he was intoxicated with the smoke. Thank you, Saint Charbel, for letting me know.

Carlos Perez
Mexico City, 1967

The Bald thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for all his tattoos.

Mexico City
April 21, 2009
Tel. 5534 71-01

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I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for viagra. It let me keep enjoying the life and women.

Jesus Medina
Mexico City — January 19, 2000

Holy Child of Atocha, I thank you for helping me that moment when I was so close to death. After my adversary jumped upon me and kicked me in the chest, I had a heart attack. Holy Child, I thank you for I survived.

Eduardo Lopez
Mexico City, 1957

Thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe, for protecting me. I had no light in my house, and since the electric company wouldn’t do anything, I decided to fix the wiring. While I was working I was hit by current and hanged on the pole. Thank goodness the pole strap kept me from falling.

Ernesto Castro
Mexico City, 1968