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Jasinta Bermejo beat her old man with a stick so he would stop leading an immoral life. But she overdid it, and her husband almost died. She thanks Saint Paschal Baylon with this retablo for her husband got recovered and didn’t die.

Puebla, 1915

I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because the hospital cleaning lady arrived right in time before the doctor would have raped me taking advantage of my helpless condition.

Felipa Gonzalez

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I met Jose the Caveman in the wrestling. After fighting together we fell in love with each other and became a couple. The problem was that Jose was very jealous for every stupid thing. We ended up fighting and wrestling at home. I was afraid our relationship wouldn’t last, so I prayed to the Virgin of Guadalupe. She helped me to convince the Caveman that I love only him and no on else. He’s much calmer now and less jealous.

Doña Felecitas always meddled in the other people’s life, especially in her daughter-in-law Lupita’s. The poor girl didn’t know how to defend herself because her husband always defended Felecitas. He used to say that the mother is sacred and whatever she says or does is also sacred. One day Felecitas came to complain about shirts that had been supposedly badly washed. She wanted to hit her, but Lupe became furious and belabored her mother-in-law who was left stunned. Afterwards, Lupe, scared and confused, asked help from the Holy Blind Child. Her husband didn’t find out what happened. And her mother-in-law actually doesn’t bother her anymore. She even address to her politely and gently.

Lupita Anacleto
Puebla de Atempan, Puebla, 1987

Thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe for saving me from the beatings from a damned gangster who left me almost dead. I dedicate this retablo for that miracle.

Mexico City, 1990

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Roberto B. was kidnapped and held for 10 days. But thanks to his deep faith to the Virgin of Guadalupe he managed to hold out until he was saved by the police forces. He dedicates this retablo in gratitude.

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Raulito Garcia was so dumb that one day his teacher Sonia Corrales lost her patience and hit him with a ruler. When she saw him unconscious after the blow she prayed the Holy Virgin. The teacher thanks the Virgin because the boy fainted because he had worms and not because she hit him.

My neighbor’s dog used to shit on my lawn until I hit him in the mouth. So now he walks his pest in the park and pick up its surprises. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for forgiving my bad action.

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The superhero Squirrel Woman was fighting with two criminals when suddenly the third one hit her in the back. She lost her conscience. When she came back to her senses she asked for superior help, and thank to the Sorrowful Virgin of Memories she could get up and catch the scoundrels.

Apizaco, Tlaxcala, 1974

My beauty drove the men mad. One day Rodrigo and Martin got in a fight over me and almost killed each other. I didn’t want to be a cause of troubles so I prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan. She worked the miracle, and Rodrigo fell in love with another girl. And I began dating Martin, whom I always liked more.

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18-years old Cesare di Michele Tocchini, chased by his brother with the knife in his hand, was overtook by his sister-in-law, that brother’s wife. She held the poor young man by hair, then she grabbed the breadknife from the counter and began to stab him pitilessly—like a barbarian. Cesare fell on the ground. The people ran up there and took the knife from the cruel woman. The young man severely wounded was taken to the hospital where he was recovering for the next 45 days thanks to the Virgin of Montenero’s protection. It happened on the Ciglio street, August 1, 1840.

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July 30, 1958, the devil got inside my body, and I was going to kill my husband with the kitchen knife. But the Virgin of Zapopan held my arm from doing such a thing. I give thanks.

Antonio Mendoza was walking and selling sweets in order to cover his family’s expenses. One day a furious mad woman answered the door and started to chase him with a knife. He thanks the Virgin of Zapopan because she was just about a few inches from him trying to kill him. He was able to escape from that madwoman, with great difficulty, and to save his own life.