I’m immensely grateful to you, Saint Jude, for giving me the will-power to renounce the gluttony.

Maricela Ortega

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Saint Francis, thank you for your help. My cutie pie and I were making love when I felt a bite on my leg. I turned to look what it was and saw a horrible snake. I screamed and then fainted. When I got conscious. I was in the hospital when they took care of me. I thank Saint Francis.

Mauro Moreno
Cuautla, Morelos, 1958

I loved the birds very much. I kept a lot of various birds at home. But one day I thought I have no right to deprive them of freedom, so I decided to let them free. I came to the hill and released all of them. They flew away, but then, when I came back home, they flew back one by one. Now all my birds live in my garden and keep me company with their trills. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for this amazing miracle.

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Alicia Tellez brings this retablo to Saint Rita of Cascia for having a huge success with her bakery shop, so even people from far away come to buy the bread.

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I thank the Virgin of San Juan for saving me from falling off the horse when we were passing by the field and a mouse scared my horse. I managed to grab the horse’s hair and to avoid an accident.

Grateful mrs. Bone
Mexico City, September 2004

Sister Clementina and sister Lucia dedicate this retablo to Saint Paschal Baylon in gratitude because he blessed them and gave them ability to make mole and chili en nogada that the bishop enjoyed so much. He was very happy with the food.

Puebla de los Angeles, 1946

My life was tedious and my job was boring. But one day I was given a book. I liked it so much, I began to read more. Now I have wonderful dreams about fantasies and adventures. I thank the Virgin of the Rosary for discovering the wonderful world of books.

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My wife had a difficult labour. But thanks to the Lord of the Wonders she gave birth to a beautiful baby. I offer this retablo because they both are feeling well and I’m very happy to be a father first time.

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When I was on safari in Africa, I felt like peeing. I went to a tree. So I was peeing, and suddenly a viper appeared. It wanted to bite my manhood. I implored the Virgin of Guadalupe. She heard my prayers and shooed the viper away.

Chimaltenango, 1969

Ruben Lopez was practicing archery. He got distracted and accidentally hit his mother-in-law. He brings this retablo to Saint Jerome thanking him because his mother-in-law didn’t die.

Monterrey, 1937

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Pedro Pantaleon thanks Saint Francis of Assisi for he found his lost pig, because he loves it so much.

San Francisco, Chamapa, 1987

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Efigenio Villa dedicates this retablo to the Virgin of San Juan for saving him from dying after being hit by a car with the failed brakes. So he got a second chance in life, and he promises to stop drinking.

Mexico City
November 25, 1990

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My husband Jose Juan was a sleep-walker. Since he slept naked, he ran out at night naked to dance in the corn field. I was afraid that something might happen to him or he would run to the town and somebody would see him naked. I was ashamed to ask the saint for help because of his nudity. Then I prayed to Saint Lucy, because she is blind and couldn’t possibly see my husband. She made a miracle, and now Jose Juan sleeps at night and doesn’t run.