I bring my gratitude to the Virgin of Juquila because I sold my chili crop at the market square in Tepeaca.

Rufino Cruz

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Gustavo Fernandez loved to have phone sex with his girlfriend. But one day his aunt caught him in full swing. He thanks Saint John Bosco with this retablo for having overcome this embarrassment.

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I’m infinitely thankful to Saint Martin the Cavalryman for having a noble profession of making Talavera pottery. It’s greatly appreciated by visitors and foreigner tourists, and I’m very happy that I’ll leave this job to my son Ruperto as my inheritance.

Eleuteria Ortiz, Puebla

My son Arturo tried to emulate the deeds of his father—Captain Danger. He prepared an act with a cannonball shot to his chest. I was afraid it was going to kill him or break all his ribs. I entrusted him to Saint Rita, and she protected him, and he had a great success with his act. Now he is inundated with offers from the best circuses.

July 12, 1955

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Thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe, for I realized who are women in reality, where do they come from and why do they have power to seduce.

Oaxaca, Mexico, 1960

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I give thanks to Saint Anthony the Great for having found a loyal dog who has become my real guard. I always go out to my garden to take the sun but my nosy neighbor used to look at me and pester me, and I felt insecure and uncomfortable. But now my Spike protects me.

Valentina Segura ~ Guadalupe, Nuevo Leon

I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for the favor she granted us the last summer when we were at the Caribbean. My children Renato and Mateo were swimming near the beach but suddenly they disappeared from my sight. In despair I implore the Brow-skin girl, and they managed to escape from the attack of monstrous octopuses.

Tulum, 2019

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I, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, pay with this exvoto to the Holy Heart giving infinite thanks for I’m such a whore and live crazy and don’t care what the people say.

Macuspana, 1982

Alma Rosa Palacios, a loyal friend of Frida the painter, brings this retablo giving infinite thanks to the Virgin of the Solitude for having granted that her friend got better and she even saw her smiling.

Mexico, 1950

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I’m thankful to Jesus Malverde because my business with illegals is going great.

Tony Guerra

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I give thanks to Saint Dolly, for leading me towards my perfect truck, which I have graced with your name and image. I enjoy many epic roadtrips and adventures with uberbabes and trucksluts in the Big Dolly truck.

Melbourne, 2019

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Daniel thanks the Lord of Chalma for saving him from dying at such a dangerous heart surgery when he was between life and death. He thanks for the received favor.

January 25, 1990

Tacubaya, Mexico City

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We, nurses fans of Lucha Libre wrestling, give infinite thanks to the Holy Child of Atocha for patriotism and love to the Mexican people of those wrestlers, like the Son of the Sovereign, who are, along with their relatives, producing masks as their contribution to the fight against COVID-19.

CDMX, 2020