— tagged with “children”

My daughter is so small and light, that one windy day she opened her umbrella and was taken up in the air by a strong wind. I’m grateful to the Holy Child with the Ball for protecting her. She landed softly and didn’t get hurt, although she was floating very high.

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We thank Saint Stanislao because our son got an amazing toy car that my husband stole from a neighbor.

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My son was a very naughty boy. He didn’t like to study at all. His teacher couldn’t stand him and was about to expel him from the elementary school. I thank Saint Nicholas of Bari for having heard my prayers. My Carlito changed and began studying. Al least he scored 6 points in the exam, so he might pass to another grade, after three attempts.

Gumersinda Castro
Chiapas, 1979

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My son Luisito became a sleepwalker and started walking on the roofs. I was scared he might fell and kill himself. I prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan so he would stop walking in his sleep. The Virgin, in her infinite grace, made the miracle, and Luis doesn’t sleepwalk anymore. I give thanks.

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The music is a very important to our family, and it’s with us every day. Even our animals enjoy the music, and there are more singing birds in our garden than in any other. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for all this harmony and because my children are also good musicians.

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Little Jaime Sanchez was playing at the kitchen and put a knife in his arm. His parents thank Saint Paschal with this retablo for nothing serious happened.

The little goat of my daughter Silvana ran on the road and was hit by a track. It was in very bad condition, and we prayed the Virgin of Zapopan so that the poor animal would survive. The Virgin worked the miracle, and few weeks later the goat got cured. Now it’s like a new one—runs and jumps. We offer this retablo for that.

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My son complained that he had been bullied a lot by one of his classmates. I told him that he should defend himself, and one day my son kicked that boy very good. What I didn’t imagine is that the boy would complain to his dad who tuned out to be a mixed martial arts instructor. They were waiting for us after the lessons. I thank the Holy Child of Atocha for we could fix all this with dialogue, because I thought he’d definitely going to beat the shit out of me.

Valentin Bueno
Mexicali, Baja California

I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because my wife and I finally have a baby-boy. He take care of the family and inherit my estate when I’m gone.

Jose Carlos Mata del Rio

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Luis Ramirez, a boy, used to steal the oranges from the neighbor until one day he fell off the tree and broke his arm. He thanks the Lord of the Wonders for this lesson and promises to not steal anymore.

My son Jose Luis befriended a martian boy, and I was very scared. I thank the Holy Spirit because when other martians took this boy with them on their ship, they didn’t take my son or anybody of our family and they didn’t hurt us.

My granddaughters were playing dressing up in the attic. Anita put on the wedding dress of my great aunt in which she’d died of love. Suddenly her ghost appeared because her dress was desecrated. I thank the Virgin of the Rosary for the girls escaped from the ghost, their fear has gone and they don’t stutter anymore.

My daughter Lupita went to pick up some flowers, and she was attacked by bees. Poor child was stung and swelled up. Thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe, her fever and the swells has gone.

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