— tagged with “children”

My daughter Raquel loved when I was reading stories to her. She loved it so much, she learned to read by herself very soon. She was reading faster than my other children. When I got sick, she read to me, and it was wonderful. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for such a clever and caring daughter.

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Little Pedrito Rosales stole a bottle of beer from his father, got drunk and got sick. With this retablo he promises to Saint Jerome to not do such shenanigans anymore.

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I was taking my children to the school. We decided to use a short-way—through the Estrella rancho. Suddenly a giant bull started chasing us. My children jumped over the fence, and I, being very fat, couldn’t do it. I prayed to the Virgin of San Juan and by pure miracle I felt light as a feather. I jumped on the fence at ease although it was painful to fell over the fence because all my weight came back to me right away. Nevertheless, I was saved from the bull, and I’m thanking the Virgin.

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My son Manuel had a congestion because he went swimming right after having a meal. He fainted and went straight to the bottom of the lake. I thank the Virgin of the Rosary who sent a dog that pull the boy out of the water before he drowned. My son is all right now, and the dog has become our pet. We thank the Virgin.

R. M. got very much aroused sexually while breast-feeding her baby. But she felt guilty about it. So she prayed Saint Martha and overcame her affliction. She thanks for that with this retablo.

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When I retired, I felt lost, decayed and bored, but I recaptured my old liking of repairing toys and I dove in it. First, I repaired the toys of my grandchildren, and now I already put a shop and accept works of the whole city. My grandchildren are happy and they help me in what they can. I feel useful and necessary because we are not many—those who are devoted to this occupation. I feel blissful seeing old and broken toys taking new life in my hands. I thank the Virgin from Guadalupe for this new opportunity.

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My boy Panchito ate a lot of sweets and felt severe pain in the stomach. Nothing helped him so I entrusted him to the Holy Child Doctor. With his divine help and with help of the doctor, Panchito is feeling well now. I offer this retablo for that.

Serafina Muñoz

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When I washed my daughter Rosita, I slipped on soap and hit myself very badly. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because after that all my family helped me with the work around the house. I was put in the bed, and my husband brought me sweets and flowers. So now I know they loved me very much.

The parents thank the Virgin of the Solitude because their children found the courage to report a teacher who used to spank them. So now he pays for his misdemeanors.

I thank the Virgin of Juquila for giving me the happiness of my son Benito Dxuladi, born in 2010. I dreamt to become a mother but, with my health problems, there was a big risk of dying if I get pregnant. I thank the Virgin for this miracle and dedicate her this retablo, thanking for being a mother. Now all my husband’s and mine difficulties are left behind.

The Sanchez family — June 17, 2010

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Every year, January 17, I ask my pupils to bring their pets to the class. Usually they bring cats, dogs, rats or turtles. But one kid brought a crocodile. I thank the Virgin of San Juan for the crocodile didn’t bite anybody and the boy’s father came right away after my call. The boy was grounded for a week.

The boy Pedro Ruiz was riding his three wheel bicycle, went to the road and was almost hit by a truck. He thanks the Holy Child of Atocha for he wasn’t smashed to pieces.

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I got a job as a popular dinosaur Barnaby. I couldn’t imagine the worst that would happened. At every children-party I was sent the kids used to kick me and do dirty tricks on me all the time. I thank Saint Jude Thaddeus for I finally found another job which is more quiet and safe for me.

Pedro Cortez
Campeche, Mexico

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