Angelica F. was doing very well working as a stripper. But one day some clients went too far and wanted to bang her right there. She thanks Saint Catherine with this retablo for she was saved from being raped and promises to leave this profession.
Angelica F. was doing very well working as a stripper. But one day some clients went too far and wanted to bang her right there. She thanks Saint Catherine with this retablo for she was saved from being raped and promises to leave this profession.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
My children grew up and went to live far away. My husband is almost never at home. I felt very lonely until I found a stray dog and brought it home to care and to feed. I felt so good to have someone to love. I began to bring homeless dogs and cats, and I’m very happy feeding and petting them and watching how they get fat and shiny, with a little care and love. I thank Saint Paschal for this miracle.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
Virgin of San Juan, I thank you because I was able to satisfy my neighbor thanks to the fact that there is viagra. She is too damn hot, and I was craving for her for a long time. I also ask you, Virgin, that my wife would never find out about my affair, and I promise never cheat on her again.
Angel, Santa Fe, Mexico City
February 10, 2017
Retablo by Luis Vilchis
I was working on delivering the gas tanks when I saw a very beautiful girl passing by. I couldn’t resist but flirt with her. I was going flirty and a gas tank slipped from my hands and fell on my foot. I thank Saint John Bosco for not fracturing my foot. I only got a bruise on my big toe. I promise to be more serious while working,
Pánfilo Gómez \ Puebla, Mexico
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
Saint Charbel, thank you for your favors. I’m very glad to be with Marcelo because he accepted me as I am. He knew I prostitute myself. He keeps me very happy with his food because he’s a chef. He’s also etching me to cook. When I learn it I quit prostitution. Want to change my life and get a more decent job.
Pablo Ortega
Mexico City, 1970
Retablo by Viridiana Canseco Hernández
I bring this humble retablo to Saint Patrick for having won the prize of the contest of eating more chiles habanero in less time. I also thank for not getting gastritis. This spicy gig was worth it because with this money I can pay a knee surgery for my mom who cannot walk. And I’d do everything for her.
José Castillo \ Mérida, Yucatán
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
Pedro Andrade ended up in fistfight with his neighbor who was listening music at top volume. He professes gratitude to Saint Jude because despite of leaving the neighbor badly beaten he didn’t lay charges.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I had an affair with my secretary but one day I was unlucky to have my own daughter discover us by surprise in my office. I give thanks to Saint Jerome because I was able to convince my daughter to keep quiet in exchange for expensive gifts. So her mother won’t find out about my deceit and I can sleep in peace.
Ricardo del Castillo \ Nuevo León, Mexico
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Señor Antonio Meneses was hit by a car because he was walking distracted by using his phone. With feverish devotion, he thanks Saint Charbel with this retablo for the driver’s insurance company agreed to cover his medical bills.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Since childhood I’ve been a fan of wrestling. My idol is Rey Mysterio. I give infinite thanks to Saint Jude Thaddeus because when Rey came to my hometown to fight I could see him from the first row and even took a photo with him which shows what a humble and modest person he is. Now I admire him even more.
Tijuana, Baja California
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Francisco Ramirez was caught while robbing a shop. The people was about to lynch him. He thanks Saint Elias with this retablo for the authorities came in time to save him from death.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
We went to spend some time in my husband’s rancho near Catemaco. The place is beautiful but little bit wild. One day my parrot—which was a gift from my husband—escaped, and I ran for him through the forest. The parrot was flying among other parrots, and I followed it carrying my baby so I was going slower and slower. Finally I caught the parrot. That moment I realized that we were lost. I was scared and asked the Virgin for help. She sent a group of monkeys. They were making a lot of noise but guided us to the house. I thank for this miracle.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
Saint Michael, give us protection from this hamburger eater.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández