The Suarez brothers, Ernesto and Pedro, were fighting at the final of the local boxing tournament. That boxing match was so intense it ended with tie. Both brothers received the rewards. They thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for this achievement.
The Suarez brothers, Ernesto and Pedro, were fighting at the final of the local boxing tournament. That boxing match was so intense it ended with tie. Both brothers received the rewards. They thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for this achievement.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Everybody loves my cooking. They always asked me what’s my secret. I always laugh but tell no one because it’s the little angels from the Virgin of San Juan who come to help me and give the last touch to my dishes—putting some salt, or some coriander, or parsley. I thank the Virgin of San Juan for this supernatural wonder of sending her angels to help me.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
During the third bullfight at the arena Plaza Mexico, the Blueyed bull jumped over two barriers right over where we were sitting and almost fell on us. We implored the Angel of Justice and an armed man courageously pushed the bull out. I ordered this retablo for we avoided a tragedy.
Sunday, July 30, 1989
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
I thank Saint Quiteria of Frexeiras for extinguishing my burning house.
Retablo by Severino Silva
The couple of Juanita Perez and Pascual Merino thank Saint James for winning the regnal dancing contest despite the competition was very hard and other couples were really good.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I thank Saint Jude Thaddeus for the miracle of healing my ankle. I had hurt it while gathering woods in the mountains.
Don Aniceto Montalvo, July 8, 1941
The Cienegeita ranch, SMA
Retablo by Unknown artist #6
I was very shy and had no girlfriend. One day I met a beautiful girl on the internet. In order to be accepted by her, I wrote her that I’m handsome and sent her photos of another man. I thank Saint Anthony of Padua because when we finally met in person, she forgave my lies and told me that she loves me not for my look but for what I’m inside. Now my Dulce and I love each other very much.
Gaspar Tellez, 2002
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Higinio Snachez was taking care of the graves when suddenly the skeleton of his mother-in-wife appeared to him and gave him her jewelry. Higinio thanks the Holy Child of Atocha because his mother-in-law at least after dying stopped being a bitch.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
When a demon’s face came out of the wall I felt uncomfortable. I thought it appeared because I had been flirting with a pharmacist behind my husband’s back. I prayed the Virgin of Guadalupe to forgive me after such a terrible punishment. Thanks to the Virgin this giant demon doesn’t appear anymore.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
To the Burdened Christ carrying his cross, I’ve set up my swear jar and a legend for how much each swear word costs. I guess this part of my New Year resolution along with getting fit by cycling in the morning.
2nd of January, 2007
Retablo by Matthew Couper
Every day at lunch, my boyfriend and his colleagues go buy tacos from a very flirtatious woman. I thank Saint Benedict for my boyfriend shows me his love and never falls into the temptation. This woman flirt with everybody all the time. But I don’t worry because my Raymundo is faithful to me.
Refugio Vallejo
Villahermosa, Tabasco
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
Catalina B. became addicted to her lover slapping her butt. He slapped her so harsh, it was hard for her to go at work. She prayed Saint Martha and managed to overcome this affliction. She’s immensely grateful for that.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández