October 25, 1958, I was washing my baby boy and slipped on the soap. I fell and hit so bad, I couldn’t stand up. Only my prayers to the Virgin of San Juan brought me the desired relief in the few days.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
October 25, 1958, I was washing my baby boy and slipped on the soap. I fell and hit so bad, I couldn’t stand up. Only my prayers to the Virgin of San Juan brought me the desired relief in the few days.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
I thank the Virgin because she has always protected my husband Salomon during his dangerous high-wire act <…>
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
I give thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe for saving me from a tremendous viper bite when I went to the field. I was praying to the Virgin in heaven, and that moment my nephew appeared. He helped me to arrive to where I was helped and my life was saved.
Celso Peña Luna
Rancho los Toriles
August 1980
Retablo by Gustavo Villeda
I thank powerful Saint Quiteria of Frexeiras for healing my cow from an infection of the udder.
Joelma Aparecida de Barros
Ibateguara, Alagoas
Retablo by Severino Silva
The Sunday I made a tasty mole for my husband’s birthday dinner. But I dropped the pot, it fell and broke into pieces. The mole spilled on the floor. I felt miserable and didn’t know what to do because our guests were about to arrive. I was smitten with remorse so I entrusted myself to Saint Paschal. After that I picked up the mole in another pot. By the miracle it looked like it didn’t fall on the ground. On the contrary, it was tastier, and nobody became ill after eating it. I give thanks.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
Florian Schneider, from Kraftwerk, talking to Jesus about electronic music.
Retablo by Javier Mayoral
Rosita Carbajal had 10 dolls that came to live and attacked her. She prayed to the Lord of Chalma and managed to save herself. She thanks for that with this retablo. After it was decided to get rid of the dolls.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
With this retablo I, Juan Luis (write with pencil), and Stefani (she writes with red color) are thanking you for the miracle on day 12, month 12, year 2013, at the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. If it were not your mediation, we could beat each other to death. Stefani got furious because I drank her last booze and left nothing to her. So she started to beat on my head with her rosary.
And after that we made love.
Mexico City
December 12, 2013
Retablo by Gino Rubert
I thank the Virgin of Zapopan. When we moved to the coast, my daughter met new friends and was happy. Also she found her vocation in marine biology, since she loved turtles.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
It was a cloudy evening and it was blowing hard. My wife had to give birth, but we lived far from the town. The long walk was exhausting, and my wife had a terrible pain. I picked her up in my arms. We didn’t want our little daughter to stay at home alone, so she came with us as well. It was difficult to walk against the wind. But thanks to Saint Raymond Nonnatus we managed to arrive to the hospital before my wife gave birth. And there our beautiful and healthy baby boy was born.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
I, Luis Villalba Ybañez, dedicate this retablo to Saint Andrew, because, despite of not having a very beautiful voice, I managed to convince the great Moncho, «The Gipsy of the Bolero», to record a LP disc in duo with me. We perform melodic songs on the disc. Also I hope I could go on tour through all South & Central America and the Caribbean.
Moncho (The King of the Bolero, The Gipsy of the Bolero) is a famous Spanish singer of bolero.
Retablo by Javier Mayoral
I had the bad habit of playing the Uruguayan Canasta. Some devils started to appear to me by nights. They were playing cards, and I understood it was a divine warning. I knew if I wouldn’t stop playing cards so often, I’d be damned. I prayed to Saint Barbara so that she would chase the devils away. And I promise her to play cards only on Thursdays. Thanks to my promise the devils didn’t come back again.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
I give infinite thanks to Saint Thomas Aquinas because thanks to his intervention I met very virile and hairy man, just as I liked them. His name is Tomas, and we perform at the theatre with our poodle Lucero.
Monterrey, August 1972
Retablo by Javier Mayoral