I, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, pay with this exvoto to the Holy Heart giving infinite thanks for I’m such a whore and live crazy and don’t care what the people say.
Macuspana, 1982
I, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, pay with this exvoto to the Holy Heart giving infinite thanks for I’m such a whore and live crazy and don’t care what the people say.
Macuspana, 1982
Retablo by Christopher Rodriguez Contreras
The present retablo serves to express my gratitude to the Virgin of San Juan for saving me from the fire at my land caused by that son of a bitch Holy Heart.
May 18, 1979
Retablo by Néstor F.
On our way back from the town of Carrizo del Valle, I decided to take a rest with my children Maria and Lucas. Suddenly we heard a loud noise and saw that the donkey that carried the provision fell from the cliff. We ran to help him, we pulled the rope as strong as we could but the donkey was too heavy. I felt that my strength oozed away, and I prayed the Holy Heart of Jesus. And the donkey managed to come up safe and sound.
Julia Rivas
Puebla, 1958
Retablo by Carlos Hurtado
I thank the Holy Heart for such a great good deed. I was on a trip to the Skull island in the Pacific looking for new species. There we caught an incredible huge ape called King Kong. We took him to New York to show to the people but he escaped leaving deaths and destruction. He grabbed me, without hurting me, and took me with him to the top of the highest skyscraper in the city. He was shot down, and my life was saved.
New York, 1934
Retablo by Carlos Hurtado
The Lopez family reveres the Holy Heart of Jesus because it healed them from all illnesses.
Saltillo, Mx., 1988
Retablo by Velez
Panfilo Hurtado was in the field when a very horrible monster appeared to him and wanted to abduct him. But he prayed the Holy Heart and was saved.
Michoacan, 1936
Retablo by Christopher Rodriguez Contreras
Blessed Heart, I give thanks to you for giving a second chance to live to this woman after she was stabbed. An evil client who was drunk attacked her and left het badly wounded in a hotel room in Merced, Mexico City.
A. V. R. — May 2016
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
I was bathing with my monkey, then the Bony came to the bathroom, and we chased her out for being too nosy.
Mexico, August 28, 1979
Retablo by Rafael Rodriguez Contreras
Maria Antonieta Garcia earns her living by selling her body at the streets of the Mexico City in order to support her children since she was left by her husband. She asks the Holy Heart of Jesus to look after and protect her in this miserable but honest job she’s destined to.
December 1960
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
The story of my life, passion, fear and faith.
Mil Mascaras, Mexico, 1989
Retablo by Carlos Hurtado
Holy Heart of Jesus, look after my house, my family, kids, trees, my friends, the prostitute, the crazy ones, the miserable ones.
April 21, 1963
Retablo by David Mecalco
December 18, 1972, in Monterrey, I was fighting for the national championship. After two falls, I was feeling I couldn’t do it. But my faith in the Holy Heart gave me strength to win over my opponent. I wholeheartedly thank with this retablo.
Blue Demon, 1973
Retablo by Carlos Hurtado
My sister and I went to the desert to pick peyote because our grandfather wanted to do his ceremony but his rheumatism didn’t let him walk. We picked a full basket of peyote but then we couldn’t find the way back. Night fell, and we were tired and scared. I invoked the Holy Heart, and that moment a deer appeared. He was shining in the darkness, and we followed him, and he led us to the road to our house. We thank for this light creature that saved us.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar