— tagged with “plants”

Juan Jose Ramos being drunk went to dance with cacti. He hurt himself terribly. He thanks Father Jesus for this divine lesson and promises to amend.

I was very proud of my garden. But one day it was invaded by giant snails. I don’t know how they became so big. They began to eat my plants and especially most beautiful flowers. I didn’t know what to do until the Virgin of Guadalupe enlightened me to put a salt around my garden. It scared the snails off and they didn’t come back.

Juanita Garcia went to the river to do her laundry. Suddenly she felt very sleepy. She didn’t notice that she’d seated under a brugmansia tree. She started seeing strange things in her dream. Suddenly she saw the Virgin of the Rosary who told her “Wake up, my daughter! Wake up immediately! If you don’t wake up now, you’ll never do.” Juanita heard her dog barking and woke up. She thank the Virgin for saving her, because they say who falls asleep under a brugmansia tree will never wake up again.

We moved to a new place. The land was barren and fruitless. There were no plants, no flowers which I loved so much. I tried to plant something but the soil was so dry nothing was growing. But one day wonderful peacocks came out of nowhere. They had colorful plumage, and some time later a grass and an apple tree grew up on the spot where they started to live. That’s how our petrified garden became a blooming paradise. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for this amazing miracle.

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Maria Luisa Gomes was annoyed by her suitors. All of them were boring, predictable and kind of ugly. But one day she met Pedro Lopez. He won her heart when he gave her a carnivorous plant. Maria thanks Saint Anthony for meeting such an extraordinary and intelligent man, and, moreover, with pretty eyes. With this plant there are no more flies and mosquitoes in her house.

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Pancracio y Teofilo Castillo, the agave farmers, thank Saint Isidor Labourer for a great miracle of saving their agave plantation. Their plants were in danger because of a terrible plague, and they could lose everything. But now their agaves consider the best ones in the region.

The municipality of Tequila, Jalisco, Mexico

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The Juanito’s teacher was so annoying that the boy spent all the time thinking how to get rid of her. He wouldn’t study, and I was afraid he would be kept for a second year. Thanks to my prayers to the Virgin of Zapopan the teacher was changed for another who actually can teach. Now Juanito is very enthusiastic about studying and doing very well.

My garden and my house were filled with enormous snails. They ate my plants and left slippery paths everywhere. My son Ramon even wanted to adopt one and keep it as a pet. I prayed to the Virgin so that she would deliver me form these disgusting animals, and in few days they disappeared. I give thanks.

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My husband decided to cross and interbreed very different animals. I prayed the Virgin of San Juan to stop this madness. I thank the Virgin because he gave all the animals to the zoo and now does experiments only with flowers and vegetables. I hope he wouldn’t create a giant carnivorous plant.

I was very proud of my beautiful garden, but one day it was invaded by swarms of giant snails. Who knows how did they grow up so big, but they began to eat my flowers. I didn’t know what to do, but finally I managed to get rid of them. The Virgin of Guadalupe sent me a great idea to salt around my garden. The snail never came back, and I thank for getting rid of them.

There were some strange plants growing in my flower pots. They seemed exotic, so I let them grow. I thank the Virgin of the Rosary for I found out in time that they eat animals. I tore them out before they ate my cats or—who knows—maybe even me.

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Rogelio Mendez and Gloria Lopez got drunk and went to the mountains to have sex. But he was so drunk he climbed up the nopal cactus. He thanks Saint Francis with this retablo for he got cured from the infection that he got after multiple pricks.

It was getting dark. I went with my wife Lupita in the field to scrape the agave and gather the maguey sap with the acocote. Suddenly we noticed a horrible animal with wings and long teeth. It wanted to attack us. We entrusted ourselves to the Holy Child of Atocha so that he would protect us. Thank God we managed to escape.

Zitacuaro, Michoacan
May 3, 1985

Federico Aguilar Aguascalientes

Thank you, God, for saving us from the chupacabra.

Acocote is a long gourd pointed at both ends, used in Mexico for extracting the nectar of the maguey.