Ignacio Perez thanks Saint Augustine with the present retablo for meeting Salma Hayek. She was filming a movie in his town and gave him an autograph and even took some photos with him.
Ignacio Perez thanks Saint Augustine with the present retablo for meeting Salma Hayek. She was filming a movie in his town and gave him an autograph and even took some photos with him.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I give thanks to Saint Monica with this retablo because my husband never found out about my affair with Pascual, the gardener. He was very handsome and young, and I could avoid being taken by my instincts and passion taking advantage of my husband being out of town for work for some time. I do not regret, but I promise not to cheat again so I won’t put my marriage at risk.
Lucía R. \ San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Daniel Huerta was bored with the life in the city and moved to the sea. He thanks Saint Peter with this retablo for he found a beautiful beach and lives by fishing alone.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
With this retablo, I’m infinitely grateful to Saint Martin the Cavalryman for my sexy voice because thanks to it I have an excellent job on a popular hot-line. It’s very fun because the men who call think I’m the beauty from the photo and don’t realize how I look in real life. Besides, they pay me very good.
Rocio N.
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Thank you, Virgin of Zapopan, because Chicharito scored his first goal on the 64th minute. He got a pass from Marquez, the defense stopped, Chicharito controls, he cuts to the goalkeeper Lloris from the right, shoots and go-o-o-o-oal! That’s how the triumph of Mexico over France began on June 17, 2010.
Mexico–France 2:0
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
The brothers Arnulfo and Armando were playing pirates, and one hit another’s eye with the sword. WIth this retablo, they thank the Holy Child of Atocha for nothing serious happened and it’s alright now.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
There was a never-seen animal living on a tree. Protect it from the people.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
I’m a very open-minded man and—I may admit—I’m a very good at performing the romantic ballads. I sing them with much sensuality. But when after my concert three homosexual martians came to my bedroom telling they love me I had enough. I got scared and prayed Saint Michael the Archangel for help. Thanks to the Archangel the martians were satisfied with a couple of songs and my autographs on their CDs and photos. Finally they went away, although I literally had to push them out because they wanted to kiss me.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
Pedro gives infinite thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe for letting him return back to Mexico safe and sound after he was beating till unconscious in the Arizona desert when the immigration police caught him trying to cross the US border only to earn some dollars to support his family.
January 25, 2001
Retablo by Daniel Vilchis
To the Virgin of Guadalupe I give thanks for having recovered my first place in the school that I had lost since Juanita came, but now I’m the best once again.
March 5, 1967
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
I loved to read poetry aloud to feel the resonance of the words. But my husband and children didn’t want to know a thing about poetry and ran away. One day I went near henhouse to read alone. Chicken and hens came to me and sat around to listen. Ever sine I go to read to the chicken, and it seems they are always enjoying the poetry. I thank the Virgin for the miracle of giving me this audience.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
I dedicate the present retablo to Saint Paschal Baylon thanking him because my grandmother Petra instilled me love for the kitchen since childhood. She was a great cook, and I inherited this from her. I discovered my vocation, and I’m a professional chef now. I proudly bring the taste of the traditional Mexican cuisine to the entire world.
Catalina Muñoz \ Oaxaca, Mexico
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
Sr. Pantaleon thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe because his agaves gave a lot of pulque. He sold it and got enough coin to marry Maria and live happy together with her.
October 11, 1985
Tláhuac, Mexico City
Retablo by Daniel Vilchis