Rita Sandoval posed naked for her boyfriend in the field, near a coral. Some ticks got on her, and she became sick. She thanks Saint Rita of Cascia for her recovery and promises not to be an exhibitionist.
Rita Sandoval posed naked for her boyfriend in the field, near a coral. Some ticks got on her, and she became sick. She thanks Saint Rita of Cascia for her recovery and promises not to be an exhibitionist.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Thanks to Saint Nicholas because when my kids, Andrei and Boban, got lost in the woods and in despair began to eat cones, they met a postman-fox who showed them the way home.
Milena, 2015
Retablo by Sasha Makarska
I sell donuts at the Herceg Novi beach. Everybody have loved my donuts for many years. I thank the Virgin Mary because, the last year, Petar came to the beach and he loved not just my donuts but myself. Now we are happy together.
Retablo by Sasha Makarska
I thank Virgin Mary because when my pink dress in which I first kissed Dushan and which I want to wear for a date with Marco was taken by wind, there was a big palm on its way, and the dress got caught up in its branches.
Tamara R.
Retablo by Sasha Makarska
Francisco Robledo received bullets from a tenant when he arrived to collect his rent. He thanks Saint Francis because he only got a scratch on his hand and that lunatic has been arrested.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I wholeheartedly thank Saint James the Apostle because after having tried on several occasions before I finally won the first place at the national championship of bass fishing. For such a miracle, I humbly dedicate this retablo.
Guillermo Carrasco
Tamaulipas, Mexico
Retablo by Flor Palomares
July 12, 1957, Gertrudis Sanchez brought her two daughters to the river to refresh. Suddenly two enormous beasts came out of the plants. They started to growl at them. Gertrudis was scared for her girls, so she invoked the Virgin of San Juan for help. The Virgin worked the miracle, and the beasts disappeared. Gertrudis thanks with the present retablo.
Veracruz, Mexico, 1957
Retablo by Gustavo Villeda
Marta R. and Raquel M. brought wine to the school and got drunk, but the nuns caught them. They thank the Virgin of San Juan for they weren’t expelled and only had to sweep the school with hangover.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
My horse suddenly had become unfriendly and bad-tempered. I found out it was a demon who was torturing him. I asked the Virgin to drive the demon away and to send him back to the hell. She made a miracle, and my horse is back to be happy and docile.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
Mariana Flores became mute after a childhood trauma. But when she moved with her parents to the coast and started to play with dolphins, she miraculously began to speak again. Her parents thank the Holy Virgin of San Juan.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
The young man Rodolfo Palasios was hit unconscious in an American football game. His mother thanks the Child of Atocha for his recovery.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Candido Gomez dedicates the present retablo to Saint Martin the Cavalryman for helping me to find a better job. He used to work as a mascot for pizzeria wearing the pizza costume which was very hot, so he fainted a lot, and, beside that, the dogs were constantly barking at him. Now he has a much quieter job.
Mexico City, 1996
Retablo by Flor Palomares
We thank Saint Martin de Porres for saving us from a witch that appeared on our way back to the ranch. She wanted to take my little son to drink his blood.
Julia Cruz Luna
November 10, 1968
Retablo by Unknown artist #6