An octopus came out of the sea to eat my flowers, but I chased him away, with your help.
An octopus came out of the sea to eat my flowers, but I chased him away, with your help.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
That night, I was thirsty, and I went down at the kitchen to take a glass of water. I was in fear finding some martians there. They were sitting at table and eating. My dog, which always had been a good guard, was hypnotized or paralyzed. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because the aliens didn’t notice me and I could escape safe and sound. I hid myself until they were gone.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
I dedicate this retablo to Saint Teresa for giving me an idea to sign up for Zumba aerobics class in a gym. And now, after only three months, my legs and my booty have become more firm.
Retablo by Javier Mayoral
Pedro Gomez thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for saving his brother Jesus form dying when he was hit by a truck with failed brakes.
Mexico City
November 2, 1965
Retablo by Luis Vilchis
Carlos Romero used to bread fighting roosters. One day a rooster didn’t recognize its master, attacked him, crabbed his face and tore one eye. Carlos thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for recovering. He offers her this retablo and promise to keep himself away from this job.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
A mermaid enchanted my husband with her singing. She wanted to take him to the bottom of the sea. I prayed the Virgin of San Juan, and she gave me enough strength to pull my husband form this damned mermaid’s arms. I thank the Virgin.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
My sister left her son with me for a week. I thank the Virgin for giving me enough strength and patience to endure all his misbehavior.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
The doña Paca’s tavern was very popular until one day a new joint opened up near by. They had a jukebox and offered free soft drinks and bread to the meal. Nobody came to doña Paca anymore. She was desperate, so she entrusted herself to Saint Francis. And a miracle happened right before her eyes. Giant cockroaches came from a garbage can and went in a line to the new tavern. So now the people prefer the doña Paca’s tavern again. She thanks her saint promoter.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
I thank miraculous Saint Anthony because since I prayed novena I have such an effect on the girls that they even fight for going out with me.
Panfilo Vergara Reyes de la Bondojo
Mexico City, 1964
Retablo by Gustavo Villeda
When Elisa and I were engaged, she was so jealous that on the day of the wedding, after the banquet, she was on edge and she died of indigestion. Three years later I decided to marry again. I met a nice beautiful girl, and we got married. After our honeymoon, when we were back, my first wife Elisa’s ghost began to appear in our bedroom. She was furious and stared at us with anger. I was frightened, I prayed the Virgin of Zapopan. Moreover, I took some holy water form the priest and sprinkled it over the house. It, probably, helped, and the Elisa’s soul rested in peace. I thank because now we can sleep at ease, without her accusatory glance.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
I give infinite thanks to the Holy Child of Plateros for healing me after damned pain in my stomach. When I started to drink Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola the gas and the cocaine contained in these soft drinks caused a pain in my stomach. I felt myself more and more terrible and I asked the Holy Child of Plateros to heal me. Now I’m healthy again. I work in the bar in Salinas and drink only tequila.
Retablo by Javier Mayoral
My daughter became fat and she was told about a green diet. She ate only celery, cabbage, cucumbers, chards, spinach and other verdure. She went to the garden, sat under the tree and ate. Some time later she got thinner, but her skin was becoming greener. Even her hair got greenish. I thank the Virgin for my daughter changed her diet for a normal one, and her natural color came back. It looks so much nicer than green.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
It was getting dark. My daughters were in hurry to get home, so they decided to take a short cut through the don Pancho’s ranch. Suddenly the devil appeared to them. He was hiding among the cows. The girls were frighten, and they ran faster than the wind. Thanks to the Virgin’s protection, the devil couldn’t catch them.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar