I thank the Virgin of Juquila for the viagra that helped me with this painful illness. Now I’m able to satisfy my wife in bed. No remedy helped me before. So I entrusted myself to you and tried the viagra. Now we’re very happy. I dedicate this retablo for saving our marriage.

Coyoacan, Mexico City, the end of 1990s

Every time El Santo goes on ring, he entrusted himself to the Virgin of Guadalupe.

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Carolina Pardo had a fever. She saw that her husband is a goat. She got so frightened. She thanks Saint Barbara because now she’s better and she doesn’t see hallucinations anymore.

I thank the Virgin for curing my mortal heart disease.

Pedro Morales

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I dedicate this retablo with my picture to Saint Francis of Assisi because two days ago he helped me to find a cream to depilate these ugly hairs that grow under my armpits on my legs, my arms end even on my face.

Zamora, 1960

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My daughter Lupita was very sick and had a long recovery. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe and my daughter’s Guardian angel who looked after her. They kept her beloved pets by her side, and with their company my daughter got recovered much easier.

One month after our house had been invaded by rats, my husband brought a cat to catch them. However the cat slept in our bed because he was scared of rats. And I didn’t even go to bathroom at night because I was scared they would bite me. Then I prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan for help. And I saw the miracle with my eyes. The rats got in a line, left the house and didn’t come back.

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Alfredo Gutierrez thanks the Lord of Chalma for giving him a strong diarrhea, because of what he was late for his work as a waiter in a restaurant in the Twin Towers in New York. So he was saved from dying.

September 11, 2011

I was born and grew up with a sexual contradiction suffering jokes, insults and humiliation. My family was ashamed of my feminity, but it’s not my fault that I was born like this. Tired of constant bullying I left my home. I studied and fought. I live my life, and I’m happy. Maybe one day I’ll be understood. But now I’m grateful to Saint Sebastian for this surgery that changed my life.

J. A. P. Noemy
Mexico City — February 14, 2000

We, Jose, Luis and Pablo Martinez, dedicate this retablo to the Virgin of Juquila. Our border crossing guide left us but then came back. So we managed to get to New York and make a lot of dollars. Now we are going back to Mexico and we thank you for protecting us during these three years abroad.

Puebla — July 18, 1999

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The Death in person came to my bedroom. Horrified, I prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan so that she’d scare the Death away. The Holy Virgin gave courage to my dogs, and they attacked the Death. The Death disappeared without taking me with it. I thank the Holy Virgin.

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I was riding my bike down the street, when suddenly a demon got out from a hole and blocked my way. But the Virgin of the Solitude worked the magnificent miracle and gave me wings for sufficient time so I flew over the demon and managed to escape from him.


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Saint Jude Thaddeus, I thank you for saving me from a difficult situation, so I could hide myself and my buddy didn’t catch me with his wife in his bed. I offer this retablo for he didn’t find out that we cuckolded him. I swear I’d never do it again. Forgive me for the body is weak.

May 28

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