I was being told by my friends that I’d be an old maid forever because I’m so fat. It saddened me, so I prayed to Saint Antony for a lover who’d love me for who I am. He fulfilled my wish, and now my Pepe makes me happy. He asked me for marriage with a serenade, and I thank for that.

Felipa Treviño
Monterrey, 1958

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One night some martians landed on my farm. They got in my bedroom through the window. I thank the Virgin of San Juan for they didn’t abduct me for their experiments, nor did they take my dog that didn’t even wake up. One of my slippers is all they took, and they seemed to be very interested in it.

In a difficult situation, I implored Saint Jude Thaddeus, and now I’m alive to tell about the miracle, when he miraculously saved me. The Bengal tiger jumped on me, and I thought I was done. But suddenly the tiger stepped back, and I managed to escape from the cage.

Pedro, an animal tamer, thankful and devoted.
December 7, 2000

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El Santo thanks the Virgin for becoming a champion.

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Virgin of Carmen, we thank you for giving us a job of prostitutes on this well-known street. We thank also for having clients and money.

Prostitutes from Oaxaca, 1974

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I thank the Virgin of the Well, because when I saw her curves and shapes I gained a better understanding of lines and angles.

Your slave Lu
March 2014

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My son Luisito used to eat so little, and he was very weak and thin. I was worried about his health. One day our cat, who is a voracious eater by the way, got on the table and started to eat our food. My son laughed and started to eat from his plate like a cat. I decided to let the cat eat from the table if only it helped to Luisito to eat more. Even if he eats like a cat, with bad manners, I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because my son has put some weight and has even grown up a little bit.

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The Virgin of the Rosary gives wings to me and my cats every night so we can fly like birds or like angels. We fly over the towns and the fields and all my problems stay down on earth and seem so insignificant in comparison with such an immense space. I thank the Virgin for this night freedom because now I wake up at the mornings much more happier.

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I thank the Virgin of san Juan because I wasn’t gored by a bull when I tried to bullfight being pretty drunk.

Juan P.
June 12, 1945

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I’m celebrating the election of Barack Obama as president of United States. May the Abraham Lincoln’s spirit give him strength, so he would govern with liberty and democracy, with impartial justice and friendly relationship with every corner of the world that welcomes him.

Alfredo Vilchis Roque, artist of the neighborhood
Corner of the miracles, Minas de Cristo, Mexico City
January 20, 2009

Gustavo Diaz thanks the Lord of Chalma for saving him from a lightning and brings him this retablo.

Huichapan — August 9, 1940

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Virgin of the Immaculate Conception, I thank you for saving my life when a maniac took me in a hotel. I didn’t know his real intentions. When I refused to do what he wanted, he beat me up. He left me thinking I was dead. I managed to escape to heal my injuries. Protect me in this life of prostitute.

Mexico City, 1970

Amarito Perez thanks the Virgin because my parents finally accepted my homosexuality.

November 21, 1999
Mexico City

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