3 October 1952, Manuel Campos played with his sisters and fell down the well. His mother, Maria Luisa Campos, gives thanks to the Virgin, Patroness of Zapopan, because he was saved and was just slightly hurt. She offers this retablo to the Virgin.

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I want to thank, from the bottom of my heart, the Virgin of San Juan de Los Lagos for healing all my illnesses because I got into heavy hail storm on my way back home, when I had a long way to go.

Julio Espinosa Gonzales
16 March 1964
Doloras, Hidalgo, Guanajuato

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July 19, 1935, my son Miguel Garcia was going to be murdered by a soldier. He was saved only because I prayed with all my heart the Virgin of Guadalupe.

December 12, 1940
Gila Hernandez

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[...] thank the Virgin for these marvelous moments. When we arrived on horseback to our house and his little brother and sister with his dogs came to give us a welcome, I felt like I was a part of him.

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I thank the Virgin of Sorrows for saving my piglet.

Oaxaca, 1907

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The guardian angel, the devil and the Virgin of Guadalupe.

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Delfino Rangel offers this ex-voto to thank the Miraculous Lord of Chalma for passing through a danger surgery on his head on December 20, 1930. He entrusted himself with all his heart and now thanks for the miracle.

Tacubaya, Mexico

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Cristoforo Buendia got furious because Lupe disregarded his wedding proposal. He shot Juana because she didn’t force Lupe to love him. Juana was wounded to death, but she swore to respect her daughter’s decision, even if she would be killed for it. Now Juana is out of danger. She offers this retablo to the Holy Face of God.

Zitacuaro, Michoacan, 1935

March 17, 1953, the stove was exploded because of the raw green branch. I thank Saint Paschal Baylon because me, my little daughter and the cat only got our hair singed a little. But nothing bad happened. I dedicate this retablo.

I thank Saint Beatrice because I found a tequila that doesn’t give me a horrible headache when I wake up in the morning.

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A bull came to the town. And when my little girls were coming back from the school, it started chase them. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for they managed to hide in the house of doña Luca before the animal could hurt them. I thank with this retablo.

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Alberto Fernandez broke his leg playing soccer. He thanks Saint Juan Bosco with this retablo because the fracture healed, and now he can play again.

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