Thanks for fulfilling my dream of getting married on an elephant
Thanks for fulfilling my dream of getting married on an elephant
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
James Eddy gives infinite thanks to Saint Erasmus of Formia, the patron saint of indigestion, for resuscitating him after he slipped into a food coma from eating too much turkey dinner.
November 25, Covid-21
San Francisco, CA.
Retablo by James H. Eddy
I dedicate the present exvoto to Saint John Bosco for allowing me to successfully combine my two jobs. In the morning, I’m a respectful teacher in a prestigious school, and at night, I participate in a famous drag queen show, and I very much enjoy those both jobs.
Emilio N. Mexico City
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
Virgin of Guadalupe, I offer you this exvoto so you intercede for me. I’m about to turn 40, keep on being bachelor, living at my parents’ house and dream to live from my art. As you see, I need a miracle. Nothing impossible for God. He gives a partner, roof and sustenance for little birds. Emmanuel Espin painted it, with faith.
December 12, 2021
Retablo by Emmanuel Espín
Roberto Guzman’s wife left him and two newborn twins. He fervently thanks the Child of Atocha for he managed to take care of the babies, while working to support them.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
I very much love going to the wrestling. But the other night, after the performances, I decided to pass through a deserted alley. Suddenly a robber jumped on me and grabbed my bag. I thank Saint Rita of Cascia because my idol the Eagle Prince was passing by. He heard my screams and ran to help me. He caught the robber, and now I admire him even more.
Lolita Gallardo, Mexico City
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Inexplicable thing happened, when my sheep formed a giant spiral and stood like this for two days.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
My wife and I caught this terrible COVID-19 and had to be hospitalized. We thank the Lord of the Wonders, with the present exvoto, because after few days in the hospital, we finally recovered and came back home. Let’s survive the virus!
Raul and Sonia, 2021
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
Thank you, White Girl, for hearing my prayers and not letting my tacos stand to perish. I also thank the firemen squad for helping the people and for holding on during their job.
El Pelotas
Retablo by Gabo Torres
I dedicate this humble retablo to Saint Jude Thaddeus, with deep gratitude, for having a gift of making traditional masks. Since I opened my shop 15 years ago, my masks have become very valuable for the carnivals in the region, and even people from other cities of the country started buying them.
Tlaxcala, Mexico
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
Ernesto Telles was caught by the police, and they tortured him thinking he was a criminal. He fervently thanks Saint Pancras, with this retablo, because he endured it and didn’t make a false confession.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Andre was at the beat when the men heard a noise outside & found a huge crocodile blocking their exit. He thanks the Blessed Saint Freddy Mercury that everyone escaped without injury & without being arrested for public nudity. He vows to only visit beats far from the waterline in future.
Andre, Darwin, 2019
Retablo by Kaff-eine
I had a bad idea to send my sons to learn music. I discovered very soon that they had inherited tone deafness from their father. But the worst thing was that they were so enthusiastic and continued to practice for hours and hours. My nerves were shattered, and I prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan for help. She enlightened me with an idea of changing music lessons to soccer lessons. My sons immediately forgot about instruments and now they kick the ball in the garden all day long. I give infinite thanks.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar