I’m thankful to you, Saint Barbara, for blessing my kids and saving them from that demoniac encounter which happened while they were playing. They told me about it when they came home all pale and frightened.
Amanda Carril and kids
Campeche, 1938
I’m thankful to you, Saint Barbara, for blessing my kids and saving them from that demoniac encounter which happened while they were playing. They told me about it when they came home all pale and frightened.
Amanda Carril and kids
Campeche, 1938
Retablo by Unknown artist #21
My husband is very boring and conservative when it comes to love. He doesn’t satisfy me as I want. So when he goes in business trips I invite a young handsome neighbor to our house. I thank Saint Barbara for my husband hasn’t found out about my infidelity since I only do this because of my woman needs.
Sabina M. \ Mexicali, Baja California
Retablo by Flor Palomares
The father and the grandfather of my daughter Aurora were sailors. That’s why she was able to hear the mermaid songs. I was worried seeing her walking every night to the sea captivated by the mermaids’ voices and staying on the edge of the cliff enchanted by their singing. I lost my husband because of these enchanting songs. I didn’t want to lose my daughter also so prayed Saint Barbara for help, and she worked a miracle. Now my daughter doesn’t hear their singing and doesn’t go to the mermaids.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
My husband was a football fan. He used to come home and turn on the TV first thing to watch his games. He didn’t pay me any attention and never had time for the intimacy. I was so desperate I even thought about asking for a divorce. I fervently prayed Saint Barbara, and little by little my husband’s sport fever went down. Now he’s a more loving and, above all, fulfilling husband.
Sandra Cruz \ Torreon, Coahuila
Retablo by Flor Palomares
My children went to swim to the river. But suddenly a strong current under the mountain dragged them down to the river. I ran along the river frightened that I might lose them out of sight. I thank Saint Barbara because she put a fallen branch on their way. They managed to grab on it and then get out just very frightened of what happened.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
I always enjoyed the speed and strong emotions. But then I got in a terrible crash on my motorcycle. I suffered multiple fractures and spent several weeks in the hospital. I dedicate this retablo to Saint Barbara thanking her for that crash because that way I met a gorgeous nurse who made my recovery very pleasant. Now, when I’m recovered I’ve even invited her to go dancing.
Ricardo Salas \ Merida, Yucatan
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
My husband Edilberto bet me one thousand pesos that I will never learn to drive. Although I had to face some troubles at the beginning, thanks to Saint Barbara I got my driving license. I teach my husband a lesson and got my thousand pesos.
April 17, 1967
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
The boat with me and my dog was carried away by the storm. I lost my oars, so we were left drifting. I almost lost the hope of surviving when Saint Barbara appeared as a giant wave. She threw us to the shore, and we arrived safely. I thank for that.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
I received a call from a local newspaper. They asked me to bring my texts, and I got very excited. I took all my stories and poems and went to the town on my bike. But on my way there a strong wind blew in my face, and all my papers flew away. I felt like the work of few years of my life had gone. But with help of Saint Barbara I was able to pick up everything, and even my doggy helped me. It was a real miracle that I didn’t lose not one list. I thank the saint.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
I had the vice of playing Uruguayan canasta. Suddenly, at nights, some devils began to appear. They played cards, and I understood it’s a warning from the heavens that if I wouldn’t stop playing cards I would be damned. I was very frightened, and I prayed Saint Barbara to chase the demons away. I promise to play only on Thursdays. Thanks to my prayers and this promise the devils didn’t come back.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
Delfina Hernandez dedicates this humble retablo to Saint Barbara in sign of gratitude for her master pays her very good for her discretion so she won’t tell her wife about his infidelity, when he brings home young girls taking advantage of his wife’s absence. With this extra-money, she could help more to her family which stays back in her village.
Guadalajara, Jalisco
Retablo by Flor Palomares
When I was swimming, two beautiful mermaids appeared. They were flirting with me waving their tails and splashing in the water. I was taken with their iridescent beauty. I stopped for a moment, they came closer to me and then pulled me down to the bottom. I was lacking air, so I prayed Saint Barbara. She might have come to help me because I think I fainted and then woke up on the beach. I thank for being alive.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
I dedicate this retablo to Saint Barbara thanking for I’m not pregnant. My periods were delayed, so I bought a pregnancy test. I was frightened to see the result since I had no idea who might be the father. The thing is lately I had affairs with my neighbor, my friend from the university and even a professor. But now I’m relieved, since the result turned to be negative.
Emilia T.
Torreon, Coahuila
Retablo by Flor Palomares