Virgin of Guadalupe

When I was overwhelmed with problems in my life, a poetry book appeared near my bed. I got down to read it and I discovered that the poetry gives me wings and makes me fly free like a bird towards the immensity. Since then when I get sad or have a problem I submerge in the poetry and I forget for a while about everything and feel myself like a pure spirit without mundane burdens. I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for this comfort.

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My shaman was wounded, and the Virgin miraculously saved him.


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My husband Eusebio could only find a job at the cemetery. But he is easily frightened. I ask you, please Holy Virgin, would you find him another job.

Left grave:
Finally. Rest in peace, my mother-in-law.

Right grave:
Here lies Ramon H. G. and does good. He was a bad father, bad husband, bad son, bad man.

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We thank you, Holy Virgin, because we were worried when Dalai Lama arrived but everything went well. He brought us a message of peace in the new millennium, uniting the people of all social classes. You took care of him and you were a godly witness that Dalai brought us blessings and shared them with us.

Mexico City, October 2004

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Holy Virgin, thank you for a happy brith.

Maria Reyes, mother of Pedrito Reyes

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To avoid hitting a girl with a dog I made a sudden turn and almost crashed into a train. Only by a miracle of the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe my car stopped just in few millimeters from the train. I’m offering this retablo in gratitude on the day 30th of September 1957.

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I give thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe who finally worked a miracle for me and liberated me from that voyeur neighbor who was always spying on me when I showered.

Señorita Angelica Moreno
Mexico City, 1971

Immigration police caught me when I was working without documents. They accused me of stealing and threw in a jail in Dallas, Texas, US. Finding myself in this trouble I implored the Protectress of the Mexicans, Our Lady of Guadalupe for my freedom. She worked me the miracle of proving my innocence. Now I give thanks and keep on working as it should be.

Facundo P. T.
July 4, 1960

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The thing I love the most is to walk around the forest and be together with the animals. When I was sick and bedridden I couldn’t go visit them and I missed them a lot. The Virgin of Guadalupe worked the miracle, and one day I woke up as the forest came to my bedroom. I was surrounded by my friends who came to visit me. I thank for this miracle.

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In sign of my eternal gratitude, I dedicate the present retablo to the Miraculous Virgin of San Juan* for saving me when I slipped from the top rope trying to perform an Atomic Hummer.

The Northern Sun, April 2001

* — there is an image of the Virgin of Guadalupe, however.

Holy Virgin, many thanks for saving my life when I was wounded in a battle.

Mario Sanchez
Vietnam, 11–Nov.–69

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We went to Veracruz to visit our aunts and uncles. When we were going in the boat some monkeys climbed over. They began to rock the boat, and we were afraid they would push us into the water full of crocodiles. But thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe we managed to escape safely from this difficult situation. No more animals attacked us during that trip. We thank for we went through it well.

Virgin of Guadalupe, I’m offering you this retablo for getting me out from the life of prostitution and abuse. I met a good man who loves me and doesn’t care about my past. He proposed to me and I’m letting know about my happiness.

Laura M. The Hot Girl
Merced, Mexico City, 20006