The girl Patricia gives thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe because don Pepe the butcher managed to save her from dying when, leaving the butcher shop, she was attacked by a rabid dog. Here she thanks for the favor received.
October 25, 1985
— tagged with “dogs”
The girl Patricia gives thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe because don Pepe the butcher managed to save her from dying when, leaving the butcher shop, she was attacked by a rabid dog. Here she thanks for the favor received.
October 25, 1985
Retablo by Daniel Vilchis
Señora Nadina was having breakfast at the terrace of her fazenda when came the nagual with big ears who bared his teeth and was breathing warmly. She thanks the Virgin of Zapopan because the nagual only wanted to eat the apple tarts from the table and not her.
Retablo by Genrich William
One night when I was sitting home in quarantine, the martians invaded my yard. I believe they wanted to conquer our planet because there were many of them and they came with their families. Only my doggy Juanito stayed outside because they said that the pets don’t get the coronavirus. I thank the Holy Heart of Jesus because the martians weren’t immune to the virus and they returned to their home without hurting me.
Retablo by J. C. Salgado
Daniel thanks the Lord of Chalma for giving him a second chance after this terrible earthquake that took place on September 19, 2017, and for all help offered by Mexican people to be rescued alive, and for the help of the doggy Frida.
Polanco, Mexico City
Retablo by Daniel Vilchis
One day I was fumbling around the garbage dump and saw my dog Spike digging up something from the trash. I’m infinitely thanking the Virgin of San Juan for the thing I found was a gold Rolex watch. By selling it, my loyal friend and I ate like king for a good while.
Doroteo Lopez \ Tlaxcala, Mexico
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
The demon of the gluttony possessed everyone in the house. We ate without a break whatever comes to hand. We became so fat that I couldn’t get in my dresses. Then I asked Saint Paschal Baylon for a help. The saint took mercy upon us, and our voracious hunger started to decline thanks to the fact that the saint chased the demon out from our kitchen. Now we are eating much less and are losing weight.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
I thank Saint Francis of Assisi with this humble retablo because I fulfill my dream of opening my own shelter for stray and abandoned cats and dogs. I feel very much fulfilled helping them to find new families where they receive the love they deserved.
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
One day I was doing laundry on the river and fell asleep. Suddenly I was awoken by my dog barking, and I saw some martians trying to tie me up and take me to their ship. I started screaming. The extraterrestrials got scared and ran away leaving me. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for my dog woke me up in time and, I think, even bit one of those martians.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
In one eruption he unites birth and death. He is not man, he is not a god either. He is not me, he’s more than me, his belly is the labyrinth in which I find myself, being him. That is a monster. — Andre Masson
We stood terrified, staring at the devil dog with a man’s face. We froze for only a moment before we took off running, screaming and arms flailing back to the safety of my best friend’s home. His mother had warned us not to go out after dark, but we thought she was just a crazy bruja (not an evil one, more the healer type) and of course we didn’t heed her. She had an excessive need to protect her children from Evil. For this reason she seemed to invite it. Upon reading her home we exclaimed what we had seen. Immediately she made us kneel as she prayed fervently to St. Michael for his protection and she blessed us with holy water. I thank him for saving us but we couldn’t be consoled.
1983 — Ruben Urrea Moreno
Retablo by Ruben Urrea Moreno
Saint Sebastian, I dedicate you this [retablo] because my doggies El Canelo and La Negra (Cinnamon and Blackie) saved me from being stabbed by don Pedro’s son who got drunk and found out that I’m not a woman. I’m thankful for this miracle and ask you to look after my doggies, don’t let nothing happen to them.
Mexico City, June 12, 2012
Retablo by Luis Vilchis
I thank Saint Lazarus who saved me from a trouble when a dog fell on my back. It fell off the roof tumbling me down when I was going for some beer. I even came out of soak with this damned fright. Think—if it would have fallen on my neck would I be telling this story? But I got up and am telling it.
A grateful Mexican from Huipulco, Mexico City
September, 2014
Retablo by Alfredo Vilchis
Ricardo Gutierrez was painting a graffiti on a wall. A neighbor got angry and let his doberman loose on him. With this retablo, he thanks Saint Benedict because his wounds have been healed and he didn’t get any infection. He promises to ask for permission next time.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
My children were splashing near the riverbank, and the little one slipped and fell into the current. Our dog reacted immediately and jumped to save her. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for having sent us such an intelligent and loyal dog. All our family can rely on him and we love him very much.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar