— tagged with “jealousy”

My late wife was very jealous. When I got married again, several years after her death, suddenly her ghost started to appear by nights. Her face was angry and she wanted to strangle me. I was scared and prayed to the Virgin of Zapopan so that she would rest her soul. Thanks to the Virgin the ghost never appeared again and rested in peace, I hope.

The Ruiz brothers, Juan and Gustavo, worked as butchers and liked to flirt with the female clients. One day they liked the same girl and they fought with knives over her. They thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for they didn’t kill one another and promise to go in therapy.

I give thanks to the Holy Child of Atocha because Rober came to live with me in my apartment. I was in misery not knowing where he was and with whom. I dedicate this retablo with happiness on my lips and with joy in my eyes.

Zona Rosa, Mexico
June 17, 1968

Juaquina P. was almost caught by her husband while chatting in private with a friend. Since her husband was very jealous, she hid the friend under the bed and entrusted herself to Saint Raymond. As it all ended well, she brings this retablo in gratitude.

Mexico City, 1925

After five years of engagement with Antonio I wanted to get married but he still didn’t make up his mind. All my friends were already married and had children. And I felt like an old maid. I give thanks to Saint Antony because when Jose Pacheco started to visit my home and began to send me flowers, Antonio reacted immediately and asked me to marry him. Our wedding was beautiful and now I’m very happy.

My husband brought home a mermaid, and I was very jealous because he didn’t give me attention at all. One day, when he went for work and the mermaid was still sleeping in her pond, I caught her with a net and threw this damned sardine into the sea. I thanks the Virgin of Zapopan because now my hubby gives me more attention.

Saint Jude Thaddeus, thank you for your favors.

At one party, I met a Victor. I fell in love with him, and three months later he asked me to move in his place and live together. After that the nightmare started. He was very jealous and drank a lot. One time I met my friend form the childhood and said hello. And Victor went mad. He was furious, and when we arrived at home he beat me with a plank and chained me up. Next day, when he went at work, I tried to get free from the chain. I grabbed my personal things in a hurry and ran to my parents. We don’t want to report on him because we’re frightened he could harm us.

Maria Andrade
Mexico, 1966

On our honeymoon my wife Juanita and I were on the Acapulco beach. Suddenly a mermaid appeared. She fell in love with me. Out of jealousy she grabbed my wife’s hair and tried to drown her. But thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe I didn’t let her to do so.

Amador Ramirez
July 10, 1982

My wife heard the rumor that I flirted with the drugstore employee. My wife got furious from the jealousy and tried to kick me out. Only thanks tho the Holy Virgin of Zapopan I managed to calm her and convinced her that it was only a slander from some gossipy old woman.

My husband started to catch mermaids. I was very jealous seeing how beautiful they were. But when he saw that these damned gluttons were eating all his fish yield so he was left with nothing to sell, my husband finally came to his senses and released the mermaids back in the sea. I thank Saint Raphael, protector of the fishermen.

My husband went crazy with jealousy, because the devil possessed him. I was pretty close to got killed, when he shot me three times. But thanks to St. Michael the Archangel no bullet shot out of the pistol, and my husband calmed down.

Holy Child of Atocha, may you be blessed for saving Vicente’s life when his cousin Carmelo stabbed him. Carmelo was furious and wanted to kill Vicente after he had found out that I was in love with him. I asked for his recovery.

Juana Torres. 1969

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Odilon G. was very jealous because his sister had her eye on the mayor of the town. He thanks Saint Augustine for losing desire to kill the mayor because he married Odilon’s sister and even gave a good job to Odilon.

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