Señorita Angelica Suarez was dusting books when scorpions began falling on her. She thanks Saint Rita with this retablo for having recovered after many stings.
Señorita Angelica Suarez was dusting books when scorpions began falling on her. She thanks Saint Rita with this retablo for having recovered after many stings.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
There was a hole in the wall in our garden, and crocodiles from the river were getting through this hole. Some of them even came to the kitchen attracted by the tasty smells of my dishes. I didn’t like having crocodiles in the house, so I prayed the Virgin so my husband would fix the hole. He had been telling me for months he would do it but never did. I thank the Holy Virgin because my brother-in-law felt sorry for me and fixed the hole with stones and cement. Now we don’t have crocodiles anymore.
Retablo by Selva Prieto Salazar
Protect me, Virgin, from a magic book. When I open it the creatures appear.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
I give infinite thanks to Saint Anthony of Padua for sending a good woman to my life. I got married very young, but got a bad wife. She left me for another man. I became very disappointed and took refuge in my carpenter job for many years. But one beautiful day I met Carmelita and I believed in love again. We are very happy. May you be blessed.
Cayetano Aguilar \ Zacatecas, Mexico
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Genoveva Campos was performing a typical regional dance and fell off the stage. She thanks Saint Pancras with this retablo for not breaking her bones. She only felt little bit embarrassed.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Since I have a good body, a friend of mine invited me to work at his club as a stripper. I accepted the offer because I’d earn very good money this way. One night I was frightened to see one of my aunts in the first row. My family didn’t know what I was doing. I thank Saint Michael the Archangel because my aunt agreed to keep my secret and I promised not to tell about the places she loves to visit.
Ricardo M. ~ Guadalajara, Jalisco
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Agustin Fernandez was fishing in his boat, and a mermaid appeared to him. With great devotion, he thanks Saint Peter with this retablo for he managed to escape before falling for her charms.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Nayely gives infinite thanks to the Lord of Chalma for letting her find job as prostitute to support her family and to pay for her son’s heart surgery whom she loves so much.
January 25, 1985
Retablo by Daniel Vilchis
I love spicy food, but my Conchita was always overdoing it by putting too much chili in her dishes. I asked Saint Paschal for his divine help because I couldn’t take the food so spicy any longer. Now my wife knows the right amount of chili.
Casiano Hernandez
Puebla, Mexico
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Señor Antonio Velez thanks Saint Nicholas for helping him to pass a professional lawyers exam, although he hadn’t been prepared very good. He brings the present retablo for such a particular favor.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
A terrible devil rode around. He brought devastation and destruction. He put the forests on fire, killed poor creatures, until one day the Virgin of Guadalupe gave me enough courage to face the devil. I stayed on his way and poured the whole bottle with holy water on him. The devil became a smoke and evaporated. We thank the Holy Virgin for delivering us from the devil.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
I, Jeremy Yocum, dedicate this retablo to the Virgin Protectress because despite the fact that I have no idea about music and to being incapable of playing any instrument, me and my fiancée Amanda make a living as vibraphonists. So far we haven’t had any complaints about us doing playback in our shows. The audience think that it is us playing Mambas and Cha-cha-cha.
Retablo by Javier Mayoral
The brothers Pacheco, Luis and Susano, often fought. One day Guicho hit Chano in the head with their father’s drum. He thanks the Child of Atocha he wasn’t beaten to death.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández