Every night I had a dream that my cat goes to the Moon and I have to climb a very very high ladder to get him back. I used to wake up so tired and with such a horrible pain in legs like I was really climbed to the Moon. I thank the Holy Spirit for giving me an idea to take my cat to sleep with me in the bed. The bed is much more comfortable and warmer than the Moon. Now I don’t see this dream anymore.

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May you be blessed, Virgin of Guadalupe, for the miracle that I survived after being hit be a car. I felt the death close to me, and it scared me a lot, so I swear to not drink again.

Pedro Hernandez, Tacubaya, 1986

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I thank Saint Quiteria of Frexeiras for my cow gave birth to her calves and they are alive and healthy. Please, Saint Quiteria, accept one calf as my gratitude.

Luiza S. Braunas, Bom Conselho–PE

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Pedro Ramos found a rare disc of the Mexican label Musart in a shop at the Lagunilla market. He thanks Saint Nicolas for this finding although he had to spend big money on it.

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The morning of May 25 1964, I went to the market to buy meat and sausages. On my way back I was attacked by dogs. They grabbed my meat and started to eat it. I was afraid I’d be fired from my job as a cook if I came back without meat. I prayed the Holy Virgin, and she scared the dogs away. I picked up the meat, although it was slightly bitten, and cooked it marvelously at home.

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Thousand thanks to the Virgin for saving me from the deadly sting.

November 21

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December 1920, a Marselina Alvares’ son was hit in the skull and became an idiot. Since no remedy could help him, she implored Saint Pancras. Three days later her son got better, and she’s infinitely thankful for that.

Hueyapan, 1920

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Ricardo Palacio and his wife went as tourists to Yanga Palmillas, a place with a mysterious and marvelous stone ball. When they approached it, they suddenly saw a blazing UFO in shape of a plate appeared and was hanging 100 m high in the air for few minutes. The spouses thank Saint Rose of Lima for protecting them from a danger. They bring this retablo as gratitude.

Cordoba, Veracruz, 1963

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1915, Chiautenpan, Plutarco Sandoval met a bull on his way out of a bar. The bull started to chase him. Plutarco thanks the Holy Virgin for the bull didn’t get him and he only shat his pants out of fear.

In the outskirts of Zacatlan, Macario Barrales met an unrest soul. He prayed the Holy Child of Atocha for protection, and the dead didn’t do him any harm. He thanks for that with the retablo.


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I met my love in the wrestling. Thank you, Virgin.

Zacarias Hernandez used to get into the sea to fish stingrays. But one day a shark came very close to him. He thanks Saint Peter for the shark get away without doing anything to him. He couldn’t have defended himself against such danger, so he dedicates this retablo for that.

Mar de Cortes, Baja California

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Armando Medina fell in love with antique clock but they were very expensive. He implored the Virgin of the Solitude, and she helped him to get enough money in time to buy them. He’s infinitely thankful for such a particular favor.

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