Virgin of Guadalupe, we offer you this retablo for saving my brother Fidel from dying. We went as immigrants on the train, known as “The Beast”, and he fell and hung on. We asked for strength to help him out. We thank you for the miracle.

Mexico, 2014

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Andres Villegas got involved with a much younger girl. Because of a lot of sex, he had a heart attack. Andres thanks St. Francis for he was saved in time and promises to slow down.

I thank the Holy Virgin because I was a very weak lad and everybody bullied and beat me. Until one day I found a gym, where one year later, after so much effort, I became a real muscleman. Also, in the gym, I can admire other guys who are shaped as well as I am and make friends with them.

The soccer team «The Colorful» thanks St. John Bosco with this retablo because they won the tournament of the Benito Juarez’ school and thanks to that they’re going to participate in the national championship.

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The Sandra Gonzalez’ cellar was filled with big, fat rats. Sandra had a cat, but he was fussy and good-for-nothing. She desperately prayed to the Virgin of San Juan for help. Three days later the rats miraculously disappeared without biting anyone.

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A nagual kidnapped my little son right from the cradle. But thanks to the Virgin of Guadalupe the nagual didn’t carry him further than the cornfield. I came running and saw my baby who was sitting and playing with leaves. Also I saw the shadow of the nagual running away.

Roberto Ortega was taken to the jail for walking naked on the streets. Roberto thanks St. Patrick for the lesson and promises to behave better.

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R. M. and J. B. were caught by the parson while having sex in the confessional. They thank St. Patrick with this retablo because the parson didn’t report to their parents and only imposed penance on them.

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Abundio Ramos was coming back to his ranch, when the death on her gaunt steed started chasing him. He encrusted himself to the Virgin of Zapopan, and she worked the miracle so the Abundio’s horse ran faster that the bony one, and Abundio was able to escape.

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Thank you, Virgin of Guadalupe, because my husband doesn’t beat me so much. I asked you for this, and you heard me. Now we love each other, I’m very happy and thank you.

Maria Torres
Toluca, Mexico
May 10, 1970

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I thank Saint Anthony for giving me enough strength to kick in the balls of the bastard who wanted to rape me. In this way I was able to save my honor.

Soledad Castillo Guevara
Mexico City, 1975

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I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because Jose decided to marry me. We spent an unforgettable honey moon, and I’ll be thankful for the rest of my life for finding the love of my life.

Suzana Garcia
February 14, 2001

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I dedicate this retablo to Saint Pancras for the miracle that my mother-in-law finally moved out. Since I married her daughter she lived with us. She didn’t leave us alone and always meddled with us. I thank because my wife understood that the married couple needs their own place. Now my mother-in-law comes only for short visits.

Eugenio Lopez