— tagged with “doctors”

Arturo Perez thanks the Virgin of Juquila with this retablo because he has finished his studies and has got a good job as a combat medic.

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My wife loved her cats and dogs so much she even let them sleep in our bed. It was unbearable to sleep with a lot of animals. They were constantly scratching, panting, purring and stepping all over me. I prayed to Saint Francis to not show his mercy just to the animals but to think also about me. I thank the saint because my wife got some skin rash and the doctor prohibited to her to sleep with the animals. Now they sleep apart in the sitting-room.

Señora Agustina Lopez took her little son to the doctor because he had a terrible pain in the ear. To their surprise, they found a cockroach in the ear. Señora thanks the Virgin of San Juan for it was nothing serious with the boy although he suffered from pain.

I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because the hospital cleaning lady arrived right in time before the doctor would have raped me taking advantage of my helpless condition.

Conchita Benitez Rojas
Chimaltenango, 1967

My husband Genaro and I dedicate this retablo to the Holy Heart. Our daughter Sonia had pains in her stomach. The doctor said she had drunk too much Coca-cola. I had to look the other side and my husband covered his mouth with the hand to not laugh at the doctor’s toupée.

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Jaime Telles brings this retablo to the Holy Child of Atocha thanking him for finishing his studies and becoming an ophthalmologist. The thing are going well.

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I, Roberto Pilar, thank the Souls in the Purgatory for help. I was a faggot since childhood. I loved dolls, I dressed up as a girl. But my father used to beat me for that. Later I was dating a doctor named Butcher. Thanks to the Souls, I ran away from my home and now live as a woman. I dedicate this exvoto.

Mexico City, Tlalpan
January 11, 1970

Virgin of San Juan, thank for your favors. A cockfight was going on, and it seemed that my cock was going to win. I cheered him but then suddenly the other cock owner stab me in my eye. My eye fell off and I almost lost it. I thank the Virgin for enlightening the surgeon who worked on me.

Ambrosio Ibarra
Leon, Guanajuato, 1961

Holy Child of Atocha, thank you for your favors. When my ex-boyfriend and his current lover were entering the hotel, I yelled at him “Boyfriend stealer!” and to hurt more called him a cheap rotten ass faggot. He got angry, grabbed my hair and scratch my face. The I felt a hit in my back. Four days later, I went to the doctor. They made an x-ray and found out a needle in my body. I needed a surgery, I had a suppuration and a high fever. I thank for coming well through the surgery.

Ruben Mendez
Mexico City, 1980

I thank the Virgin of Zapopan. When I was about to drop out of medical school because I couldn’t take it anymore, the Virgin enlightened me to not do it. I managed to finish my studies and now I feel highly recompensed for all those years. When I help my patients, especially to the children, I feel really happy. I’m glad to be a good doctor, loved by the people.

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My boy Panchito ate a lot of sweets and felt severe pain in the stomach. Nothing helped him so I entrusted him to the Holy Child Doctor. With his divine help and with help of the doctor, Panchito is feeling well now. I offer this retablo for that.

Serafina Muñoz

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My husband got ill, and the doctor said that he must stay in bed until he cured. My life became a real night,are. He asked me to bring him in bed some absurd things and after a while he didn’t need them anymore. Or he asked me to cook for him some complicated dishes, but then he left almost everything untouched. I couldn’t sleep because he wanted something even at night. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan because his illness didn’t last for long and he can get up now.

I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe because the hospital cleaning lady arrived right in time before the doctor would have raped me taking advantage of my helpless condition.

Felipa Gonzalez

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