My daughter and I were having refreshments in the garden when our cat, while catching butterflies, pushed a flower pot that fell right on my head. I was seeing double and burry for few days after that. I though I’d go blind, and I prayed Saint Lucy. She worked a miracle, and my vision recovered. Now I see well again, and I thank for that.

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I was caught in the ocean by a terrible storm that destroyed my boat. I was left to drift alone in the open sea hoping for my luck. Several days passed, and I was very scared of dying. Then I entrusted myself, with all my faith and devotion, to Saint Peter so that he would save me. I thank because a fishing boat rescued me when I was about to be eaten by few sharks that stalked me. May you be blessed.

Leoncio Torres \ Baja California, Mexico

Getting with Maria Morales’ son to swim in the spring where the serpent ate the toad, Virginia del Pozo felt sick and pain. She was very scared and implored the Lord of the Faint from Tapazulapan, Oaxaca, for intervention so that it wouldn’t be a deadly illness. Fortunately and by unknown reason, she got pregnant and healthy. Ascribing it to the miracle of the Lord of the Faint, she ordered E. Espintla P. to paint this exvoto.

Year 2007, Villa del Progreso

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Neboisha lost his tickets to the Montenegro—Russia game, and all his friends laughed at him. But there was a petard thrown at the goalkeeper, and the game was stopped, and the fans sat at the grandstand in vain for three hours. Neboisha’s wife thanks Holy Mary because he was instead sitting on the soft coach in front of the TV and even repaired the iron that he had been promising to repair for two years.

When I left my work, I was attacked by some slackers. I got scared and implored the Virgin of Guadalupe, and I was saved by a mister who heard my screams. I was delivered from being raped.

Virginia Moralez
Bellavista, Mexico City, November 1998

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My son and I are from the United States, but we love Mexican culture, especially everything related to the traditions of the Day of the Dead. I’m infinitely grateful to Saint Christopher, with this exvoto, for we managed to travel to the Mexico City and enjoyed the parade of Katrinas and skeletons. It was a very beautiful and colorful experience.

Shepherd Rodrigo Rivera was looking after his livestock when suddenly a flying saucer appeared. It took a cow and then disappeared. He gives infinite thanks to Saint Charbel for he didn’t suffer any harm and those martian dummies took a sick cow.

Puebla, 1949

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I thank the Virgin of Guadalupe for delivering me from dying being bitten by a rattlesnake when I was resting in the shadow of a cactus. Thanks for I reacted in time and was able to continue my journey, crossing this dangerous desert and getting well to the United States.

Angel H., Puebla, Mexico
March 16, 2013

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I testify for such an incredible story that happened on June 26, 1974, when Mario was swimming in beautiful Tulum and suddenly, from the bottom of a cave, emerged an enormous and threatening creature that looked like a giant red octopus, with enormous tentacles and only one vile eye. It attacked Mario who tried to escape but the beast grabbed him with his repugnant snout. I implore to the Holy Spirit for intervention, and the evil being let him go, so Mario managed to survive.

Tulum, Mexico

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I thank the Virgin of the Solitude for I came well out of these two surgeries and now I’m back again to do this work. They call me Kardashian from Merced. I ask you to protect me.

Merced, Mexico, March 2015

Señora Canute Bermejo was ordered to make mole for the master’s wedding but it turned sour. She was heartbroken and implored Saint Paschal for help, and the mole stayed good. She gives infinite thanks for, although everyone suffered diarrhea, nobody kicked the bucket.

Puebla, 1927

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I dedicate this exvoto to Saint Francis of Assisi in gratitude for the evolution of the Godzilla movies, one of my favorite movie monsters. The latest movies have recovered the essence of the character, and I think they are going in right direction to show his grandeur and splendor.

Luis Flores \ Mexico

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I thank Saint Raymond Nonnatus fro delivering us from yabbering Tila Maria Sesto’s gossips when she caught us, me and my buddy, watching soccer in underwear. She almost gave us stomach pain when we saw her, and we almost spoiled our underpants. She started to say that we were motherfuckers. But no, I went to my buddy’s house because he has such a big TV-device and a fan from the heat. I ordered to paint Melo Colli in gratitude.

Merida, Yucatan, 2009

This retablo is not for wide audience. There are local Yucatan comedians Tila Maria Sesto and Melo Colli mentioned here. The caption also contains Yucatan expression such as:

Choknak — stomach pain of indegestion;

Pelana — that could be translated as “motherfuckers”;

He-lé — expression of negation or simply “no”.

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