Refugio Amezcua found himself in a serious danger when Evaristo Aguilar dragged him because of the borderland argument. He entrusted himself to Saint Christopher, and the rope broke, and he got free and safe. He brings this small retablo giving thanks.

Chanenetla, 1925

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After my cancer therapy which included chemotherapy with radiation, I faced the need to cure myself from the damage this therapy did to my body. That’s why I learned about the 2000-years old medicine of Amazon, and I found out that it helps body to recover and that the Amazonian shamans use the giant leaf amazonian frog’s venom as medicine. A healer applied the venom on my leg by burning my skin with a twig so that my body would absorb the venom through the open wounds. That summer I received 120 burns on my leg and got rid of chemotherapy in my body. I thank Kambo frog for that.

Guadalupe Maravilla

I got an idea to put rose petals and candles in the bedroom to revive the flame of passion with my wife. But I didn’t calculate it well and put the candles too close to the curtain, and it caught on fire. I thank Saint Jude for I managed to put out the fire before the entire house was burned up.

Roman Castañeda ~ Guaymas, Sonora

In Puebla, in 1945, in the pulqueria bar “Beautiful Elena”, my son fell in love with a lady. They moved together, but she befuddled him and made him a fool by going to another man. That’s why I implored the Virgin of the Solitude, and then my son was cured which I’m infinitely thankful for.

R. S.

Thank you Lord for saving my dog and for the neighbor didn’t kill him for tacos. One day I couldn’t find him, and all our family went searching for him. We thought he had been caught for tacos but good thing it wasn’t so and he only walked around the streets. Thank you very much.

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We thank you, Virgin of Juquila, for saving us and the bus from falling down the cliff.

Jasinto and Toño, Oaxaca, Mexico, 196*

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A nagual came to us when we camped. Thanks for he didn’t hurt us.

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Jasinta Telles, a cook, felt strong pain in her feet, and she got some pimples on her neck. No remedy would help her. She implored Saint Paschal Baylon and got completely healed. She gives infinite thanks for that.

Puebla, 1914

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I give thanks to John Lennon for saving my life that time when we were hanging out with guys and some pricks came down on us and beat the shit out of us. They were nine, and we were only three. The beating was so bad, I had to look for an ambulance. I thought I was going to die. They put tubes and needles in me, and everything around me became like in a blue fog. Then the rocker appeared by the ambulance door. He looked at me with his hippy face and round glasses. Although the ambulance was rushing down the street with siren and everything, I didn’t feel pain or anything bad, I felt so much calm and hope looking at him. Suddenly I woke up on a stretcher all crazy but more alive than ever. In fact I even tried to escape with old Sobal but couldn’t because I was still very bad.

Thanks, John Lennon from Concepcion, for everything I lived through, protect all who know you and is devoted to your sublime legacy.

Talcahuano, Concepcion, 2007
Esteban Hache

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I dedicate the present retablo to Saint Paschal Baylon thanking him because my grandmother Petra instilled me love for the kitchen since childhood. She was a great cook, and I inherited this from her. I discovered my vocation, and I’m a professional chef now. I proudly bring the taste of the traditional Mexican cuisine to the entire world.

Catalina Muñoz / Oaxaca, Mexico

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I thank Holy Death for the opportunity to live again as a Catholic in the beautiful district of Cerro Colorado, which is Mexico of the Peruvian province of Arequipa, where I was an atheist for ten years. Thanks for the miracles, Holy Death!


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I came to my hut slightly drunk, and my mother-in-law met me with a beating. She left me quite trashed. I fervently thank Saint Raymond, with this retablo, for that damn crone didn’t send me to the cemetery.

Puebla, 1908

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I went to the river to do the laundry and fell asleep on the riverbank because it was nice and fresh over there. I was dreaming of a handsome man who looked me right in the eyes while talking about love. Then I woke up, and it was a crocodile who was looking straight at me. It was very close. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for giving me fast reflexes. I instantly got up and ran far away before the animal did something to me. Later I came back for the clothes, and I thank for the crocodile didn’t eat them.