On All Saints’ night, I was walking down the street and suddenly saw a ghost carriage approaching me. To my great fear I heard the driver inviting me to take a ride with him. I prayed Saint Michael to save me, and eventually the ghost disappeared. I bring this retablo for such a great miracle.

Victoriano Sanchez \ Zacatecas, Mexico

May you be blessed, Virgin of Guadalupe, for Paloma and I met on these paths of the art and I was inspired with her glorious ecstasy. Look after her and bless her way because I will never forget her.

The crazy dreamer A. V. R.
Mexico City, February 10, 2006

Vicenta Carmona brings the present retablo to Saint Jude Thaddeus thanking him for her mistress, the painter Frida, has made up with her old man and doesn’t go so grumpy anymore.

Mexico, 1946

My son and I were going from town to town with our donkey selling oranges. One day we decided to take a cut through the desert and got lost. The sun was going down, and we heard hungry coyotes howling. I prayed the Virgin of Zapopan, and suddenly a bird of golden light appeared from the twilight. It guided us to the road to Fresnillo. I infinitely thank for this miracle that saved our lives.

The widow Ana Maria Rivera brings the present retablo to Saint Anthony thanking him for, despite being 80 years old and having 13 kids, she still found her love.

San Nicolas, 1917

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I brought a mermaid from the sea and keep her in a pond. I ask you Virgin to not let her die.

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I bring this retablo as testimony of gratitude to Saint Anthony of Padua who made so that Lolita became my fiancée. I was afraid she’d reject me since I wasn’t of equal position with her. But I loved her so much. Now we’re happy together, and her family is happy as well.

Benito Cruz — Guanajuato, 1946

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The father Macario Mendoza brings the present retablo to Saint Pascual Baylon thanking him for he got recovered from a bad typhus and now can enjoy again chiles en nogada made by the nuns of the convent.

Puebla, 1917

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When the Morales sisters were coming back from the market, they saw some martians in an alley. The martians said something with their high-pitched voices, and the sisters got very much frightened. They dropped their baskets and ran away. But their curiosity made them turn back and look in the alley. They saw the martians were very happy and eating. The sisters thank the Virgin for the extraterrestrials didn’t want to abduct them but were just hungry.

My husband left me and went to the United States, and I didn’t get any news from him. I was left alone in this big city, without money. I began to work as a prostitute in the Merced district. I ask the Virgin of the Solitude to protect me.

The desperate one — June 7, 2000

March 2019, Popocatepetl had a strong eruption spewing lava and ash. I was greatly frightened because my entire house was shaking. I dedicate this humble retablo, with all my heart, to the Lord of the Wonders thanking him for Don Goyo calmed down. I ask so it won’t wake up ever again because my family and I live very close to it.

Santiago Xalitzintla, Puebla

The neighbors’ son was a shameless scoundrel. He was making out with my daughter Adriana at the dark corners. I thank the Virgin of Zapopan for this boy was sent to study to Monterrey.

Francisca Lopez

The artist Gustavo B. once got drunk and painted the face of a horrible devil. Some time later he sold it for a lot of money. He thanks Saint Elias for this profit but promises to keep out of this theme.

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