Francisco Rivera thanks Saint Nicholas of Bari with this retablo for he found a very antique edition of “Don Quixote” which will become a great piece of his collection.
Francisco Rivera thanks Saint Nicholas of Bari with this retablo for he found a very antique edition of “Don Quixote” which will become a great piece of his collection.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
With all my heart, I thank the Holy Child of Atocha for giving me my health back. I had a very case of pneumonia, and no remedy could helped me. I was afraid of leaving my grandson totally helpless. But now I’m healthy again, and I dedicate this retablo for that.
Cristoforo Hernandez
Teziutlan, Puebla
Retablo by Flor Palomares
Pedro Garcia loved to display himself nude on the street. But one day a lady set her dog on him. The dog bit Pedro in the balls, and he was severely injured. He thanks Saint Charbel for everything has healed up, and he promises to amend now when he’s getting out of jail.
Retablo by Gonzalo Hernández
Thank you for I’m done with this habit of dressing as a woman.
Retablo by Miguel Hernández
Everyone in our family has a musical talent which we are very proud of. However, we were highly disappointed in our son Mario who hadn’t inherited a good ear for music and is awful in playing the instrument he chose. He hadn’t inherited my wife’s wonderful voice as well. He sings horribly. But his teacher has discovered that he’s a mathematical genius. We thank the Virgin of San Juan for our son has a talent.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar
Your slave Lupita, The Invisible Black woman, from Raval, Barcelona.
2014, during the celebrations at Huejotzingo, an UFO abducted my husband and my mother-in-law. I hid myself and entrusted myself to the Holy Child of Atocha whom I’m infinitely thankful to for they didn’t see me.
Retablo by Gino Rubert
I dedicate this retablo to the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception hoping she will help me to do well at my new job oaf announcer on television. Sometimes I get nervous, begin to stutter and sweat a lot. I hope my bosses at the Canal 4 would be pleased with me.
Retablo by Javier Mayoral
I, Angelica Pilar Relles, dedicate this ex-voto to the Virgin of Guadalupe because I work as a whore in Merced, and there are robberies, the police, pimps, clients, illnesses in my life, and the Virgin helps me.
January 9, 1979
Retablo by Rafael Rodriguez Contreras
September 19, 2017, a terrible earthquake occurred in Mexico. My brother was trapped under the rubble of the building he lived in and which had been collapsed. Few hours later the dog Frida found him, and thanks to her he was saved. With this retablo, I ask Saint Francis of Assisi to protect and look after Frida and other rescue dogs who risk their own lives during the catastrophes to save ours.
Magdalena S.
Mexico City
Retablo by Gonzalo Palacios
With all my faith, I dedicate this retablo to Saint James the Apostle for protecting me from being kicked by a bull. I got an angry bull, and only thanks to the saint’s divine intervention nothing serious happened.
Carmelo Trujillo
Retablo by Flor Palomares
I’m happy and thank you, Virgin of Juquila, because I won the surfing competition in Puerto Escondido.
Tomy Lee
Retablo by Jorge Bonola
Rogelio Diaz went to Chalma and there he saw an enormous UFO hanging over the valley. The UFO was 50 meters in diameter and hanged up in the air for 30 minutes. He thanks the Lord of Calma for his divine protection and brings this retablo.
Orizaba, Veracruz
November 6, 1967
Retablo by Adan Pacheco
My sister and I went to the town to buy tortillas. When we were passing by a forest we saw skeletons. They appeared from the woods and started chasing us. We were holding our babies and we couldn’t ran very fast. We were scared but the Virgin of Zapopan protected us. The skeletons began to lose their bones and they stopped to pick up their arms and legs. We managed to escape and ran to the church to thank the Holy Virgin.
Retablo by Maya Prieto Salazar